The indignity of this forced marriage.

On Sunday, whilst the world was consumed with the Moto GP duel, Geert Wilders was giving a remarkable speech to the Danish Free Press Society concerning the battle between two ideologies. It is a long speech, and may well take up fifteen minutes of your day to read it, but I would earnestly entreat you to do so. Click HERE to read the speech in English.
Across Europe, the electorate has become used to the idea that not only are they being forced to take the hand in marriage of a wife-beating alcoholic paedophile, but that because he is black, because he is of the Muslim faith, they must not, dare not, complain, for fear of being called racist or religionist. It is arrant nonsense on stilts, and we all know that.
Unfortunately, I fear that Geert has fallen into the same trap that early National Front leaders fell into. Whereas they claimed that we did not wish to marry ‘because he was black’, Geert now claims that we do not wish to marry ‘because he is a Muslim’.
Along the way, however, Geert does identify the many reasons – the wife-beating, the alcoholism, the paedophilia – for which we seek to keep this man from our bed but his conclusion is as depressingly familiar as the mantra of Le Pen.
The facts and figures quoted by Geert as evidence of the inadvisability of allowing Muslim integration into Western Europe are flawed for two reasons. Whilst he lists irrefutable facts concerning crime figures and the cost of social support, he is talking about a certain strata of Muslim society. The strata that has ‘nothing to loose’ by leaving their homeland and travelling to Europe. The young men with no assets, no training, no prospects, who seek a better life elsewhere. It is an artificial construct of Muslim Society and non-representative of the whole. Many years ago it was possible to emigrate to Australia for a mere ten pounds. Not for nothing were the people who followed that path known as ‘whinging Poms’, for they were, in the main, the people who had failed in Britain, who had nothing to look forward to, and who threw their last ten pounds into the pot on the basis that it was the weather that was at fault. Some succeeded, as do some of the young men who cling to the underside of the Eurostar – but en masse, they were no more representative of the British population than are the asylum seekers we see in the UK representative of the Muslim population.
Secondly, I agree that the problem lies in the fact that Islam is an ideology, as well as a religion, and an ideology that seeks to anniliate our beliefs. Geert believes that :
“Our Western culture is superior to Islamic culture.”
I don’t. In his eyes, this makes me a cultural relativist. That is a simplistic argument – ‘if you don’t agree with me you must oppose me.’
Western culture is, however, our indigenous culture, neither better nor worse. What is happening in most of Europe, not all, is that the cultural relativists are saying that because all cultures are equal, than we must grant equal rights to a culture that believes itself, nay, demands of its followers, that they believe themselves, to be superior to us.
If no leader comes forward in Europe, prepared to address our true fears, and allow us to decide our fate for ourselves, there will be many who will decide that if refusing his hand because he is black or because he is Muslim are the only options open to us, then so be it. Better racist than dead.
June 16, 2009 at 11:31 -
“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion … but rather by its superiority in applying organised violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.” Samuel Huntington, writer.
June 16, 2009 at 12:53 -
What Moto GP duel?
June 16, 2009 at 15:11 -
What a speech. Should be sent to every home in the UK. Thank you Anna. By the way that silly MOTO expression comes from the continent methinks – either the Ities or Spics ! The marketing mob thinks it somehow adds glamour to the wretched “sport”. Toodle Pip.
June 16, 2009 at 17:51 -
Old Holborn, is there a correlation between an ability to organise violence and the ideas of a society? Yes. The Romans were pretty far out in both, as were the Greeks.
The more advanced a civilisation, then generally the better its capacity to inflict violence. What, we had the guns, they the ideas?
I accept there are exceptions.
Anna, are you suggesting that “a culture that believes itself, nay, demands of its followers, that they believe themselves, to be superior to us”, is neither better nor worse?
June 16, 2009 at 18:45 -
My Dear Ms Raccoon, no apologies necessary. I was merely alluding to the fact that not all the world..”was consumed”.. by the motorbike race on Sunday.
As for Mr Wilders, I think he is just a political opportunist, feeding on peoples basic fears and predjudices.
June 17, 2009 at 11:25 -
… and proposing pseudo-solutions, very much like the murdered Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, whose party won a lot of seats at the elections a couple of days later and even got a couple of ministers who took the Netherlands on a hilarious rollercoaster ride for 6 months before the coalition collapsed. Dutch comedians were complaining that these ministers were much more funny that they. Needless to say that this poli