How to dress up a dickhead…….

BOYS as young as 12 are to be issued with condom “credit cards” allowing them to pick up free contraception at football grounds, barber’s shops and scout huts.
So far so good……..
Condoms will be distributed at places where boys congregate, to spare them the embarrassment of visiting sexual health clinics or GPs’ surgeries or facing a shop assistant at a chemist’s counter.
Still sounding reasonable…….
They will be given a lesson about the use of condoms before being issued with the card. Boys who attend additional talks about sexually transmitted diseases will get a stamp on their card, which those running the scheme hope will become a status symbol.
Hah! Knew they’d blow it, so, instead of the embarrassment of ‘visiting sexual health clinics or GPs’ surgeries or facing a shop assistant’ they will just have the embarrassment of visiting the ‘Brook advisory service’ to qualify for a ‘condom card’ which will allow them to pick up a condom from someone known to them, like their local scout master………- and the difference in the eyes of a 12 year old boy is – what precisely?
Brook advisory service, funded by local health authorities, how to make a simple transaction complicated……..
Just put the condoms in a dish in the local youth club, those 12 year olds will figure out how to ‘put them on’ – a service apparently provided by Brook in their splendiferous efforts not to embarass 12 year old boys – all by themselves.
As for the ’stamp on the card becoming a status symbol’, words fail me………
Who pays these people?
Oh, that’s right, we do………..
June 7, 2009 at 6:33 pm -
As a former 12 year old boy I can say with deep passion that you are absolutely right, Mrs Raccoon. If these self-styled sexual healthscare professionals actually had clue-one about what they were doing, they would have understood that they could have created no better way to embarrass impressionable and sensitive young males than the one they have come-up with.
Aside from the fact that it is not for strangers to meddle in matters so intimate and private to any child, not just males, no matter how ‘qualified’ they claim to be; and side from the fact that (at least as far as I’m concerned) what they are promoting is immoral; and aside from the fact that this serves further to undermine the role of parents in rearing their own offspring – aside from all that, to me all this seems very sinister indeed. I would never allow any stranger who proposed to ‘demonstrate’ to my son ‘how to use’ a condom anywhere near him, for instance.
Perhaps it’s just the way you’ve expressed it, but this sounds pretty bloody frightening to me, just from the standpoint of risk to young boys from underqualified busybody female healthscare airheads and/or homosexual, paedophiliac predators. We had one of each of these parasites in my old grammar school. The former was sacked for some sort of incompetence; the latter wound-up – eventually – with a seven year stretch in a category A jail (which he’s currently serving).
Fundamentally, though, this to me is all about the rights of children. For example, their right to enjoy an innocent, joyful childhood without being brutalised by the pathetic theorising of corrupt, ignorant grown-ups. God knows, we’re all a long, long time adults.
My message? Sure, protect and defend children vigorously: that’s what normal adults do instinctively. But guard their childhood just as jealously: defend their right to discover life as far as possible for themselves, for instance.
They will grow-up better people as a consequence and they will thank you for it later in life. Believe me.
June 7, 2009 at 7:23 pm -
The righteous just can’t help themselves.
June 7, 2009 at 7:56 pm -
Nice one denverthen.
I wonder if the ‘advisors’ have considered the different ages at which boys mature? On the one hand, encouraging a (physically) immature 12 yr old to don condoms which dwarf his equipment could scar/e him for life. On the other hand, encouraging a (physically) mature 12 yr old could set him on a road to sexual discovery that the rest of his body and mind is not ready to tread.
As AR says “Just put the condoms in a dish in the local youth club, those 12 year olds will figure out how to ‘put them on’ ” (or use them as water balloons).
June 7, 2009 at 8:03 pm -
And isn’t it an irony that just as 12 yr old boys are being issued with their condom cards, suggesting they are old enough to make a decision to have grown-up sex, they are being told they have to stay at school until they are 18 because they are not grown-up enough to get a job.
June 7, 2009 at 9:19 pm -
Just another route for undesirables.
June 7, 2009 at 9:50 pm -
BOYS as young as 12 are to be issued with condom “credit cards”
Isn’t this generally known in other circles as grooming?
June 8, 2009 at 1:36 am -
Surely visiting a GP to get a reference for an abortion is embarrassing, let along visiting an actual hospital. We should be bringing back “no questions asked” back street abortionists (but obviously properly accredited at our expense) so that these poor children don’t need to feel embarrassed about getting their babies egg-whisked.
I may be misunderstanding things now but, given that the school leaving age has been raised from 16 to 18, age to buy cigarettes has been raised from 16 to 18, driving license age has (I’ve been told but not seen the news stories so I apologise if I’m wrong) from 17 to 18 in a couple of years, shouldn’t we be raising the age of consent??
If you can’t buy cigarettes or leave school then why is it still considered okay to have babies? I’m quite old fashioned and struggle to see the logic
June 8, 2009 at 7:53 am -
Gordon, there has been a rumour that they are going to raise the driving age for at least the last twenty years, I was told once by a driving instructor that they, as a group, keep the rumour going to encourage teenagers to start lessons as soon as they turn 17 for fear of having to wait a year but perhaps this is just another rumour.
June 8, 2009 at 3:22 pm -
Gordon says ……… ”I’m quite old fashioned and struggle to see the logic.”
I am really old fashioned as well. I am agog that so many kids seem to be having sex at this tender age. The last thing a child of that age will think about before having sex is using a condom. Kids of that age can rarely get dressed on their own!
Never mind giving them condoms. Any kid that messes about with fertile females at this age needs neutering! Today!
The thing that Brook always seem to forget when they are helping the promiscuous in our permissive society is that condoms need to be used with a spermicide to be safe.
So ………. When a kid leaves for school in a morning, the poor parents have to say – ‘Don’t forget your bus-pass …………. Don’t forget your P.E kit …………. Don’t forget your lunch-money ………. Don’t forget your mobile ……….. Don’t forget your ipod …………. Don’t forget your homework’ And ………. ‘I’ve packed your jonnies and spermicide in your snack-box.’
June 8, 2009 at 8:13 pm -
Excellent subject and very interesting comments especially the one from Denverthen…but this in England !!!
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