Hissing Sid and Young Minds…….
Amidst all the scurrilous gossip of the past few days, something profound has been overlooked.
Hissing Sid, the sibilant, slithery, Peter Mandelson, has done more than just reposition himself one failed heartbeat away from the Prime Minister and complete control of Great Britain.
He has done more than manoeuvre himself into a position where one jibe too many may drive our fragile Prime Ministerial ego into the Priory and leave him in utter control of our nationalised banks.
He can wreak greater damage then merely re-painting the front door of 10 Downing Street a fetching shade of pink.
In a week which has seen anguished parents complain that children as young as five years old were subjected to a graphic explanation of homosexuality, and in turn be accused of being homophobic for complaining, the crown ponce of our newly unelected cabinet has seized control of our universities.
In a statement, Downing Street said the move would put further education and universities “closer to the heart of government thinking about building now for the upturn”.
However much it may irk politicians, universities are not for making a profit, not for being cost-effective, not for training people according to the profile of expertise demanded by employers.
Universities are fact, not spin, based, and universities bring a commitment to fact as their fundamental source of policy. Universities are for inquiring into what ought to be believed, for establishing ways of finding out the truth. They are for the inculcation of wisdom.
The fiscal and political reality is that they are uneasy bedfellows with their paymasters, the government.
In Russia and Azerbaijan under communism, the universities were the only focus of resistance and dissent. Universities are elitist (in demanding a high level of intelligence), subversive (their testing of ideas recognises no authority as exempt from questioning), independent (they have no allegiance to any interest group).
No wonder politicians try so hard to hobble and control them.
Quietly, silently, whilst we were all distracted by Punch and Judy politics, Peter Mandelson took ultimate control of the young, independent, subversive, elite minds in this country.
Nothing has sent a greater shiver down my spine.
June 7, 2009 at 3:00 pm -
“In a week which has seen anguished parents complain that children as young as five years old were subjected to a graphic explanation of homosexuality, and in turn be accused of begin homophobic for complaining, the crown ponce of our newly unelected cabinet has seized control of our universities.”
And your point is?
June 7, 2009 at 3:14 pm -
It just relects how such a barmy society now exists. Even allowing such a person as Mandelson to survive and prosper is simply outrageous. It strikes me that the whole of Parliament has now more queers and crimininals than at any time in its history.
June 7, 2009 at 3:40 pm -
You forgot Jews, Gypsies and Poles lexander …
June 7, 2009 at 5:04 pm -
To steal a phrase, there is ’something of the night’ about Mandelson.
Time for a written constitution and the removal of the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, the removal of the House of Lords and the end to conventions which allow any Tom, Dick, Alan or Peter to be handed power with impunity.
June 8, 2009 at 3:55 pm -
‘Something of the night’ ………… Lovely expression and very apt. I have often wondered how to describe the mealy-mouthed, pot-bellied little pig with a hair-flick that is Mandelabra.
Why does this single man-about-town always remind me of my Brazilian dentist who never liked to talk about his German roots?
But one thimg that I will take my hat off to Mandy for ………….. is the fact that unlike Browneye ………….. he never got married or ‘caught anybody with-child’.
…………… Apparently, a lot of politicians do this ……………. to give themselves a ‘normal’ air.
Coz Browneye looks like proper ‘normal family guy’ now …………doesn’t he!?……….. Hrrrrmph! My arse.
June 8, 2009 at 4:42 pm -
Lord Fondlebum of Boy is probably the most dangerous British politician there is.
In addition to that, he is quite simply, vile.
June 8, 2009 at 6:47 pm -
Or even ………… Little Lord Flauntyourbhoy. And he isn’t even one of the politicians that goes out to sea. He always stays in port ……….. tethered or moored. Danger. Danger.
June 8, 2009 at 8:14 pm -
Hissing sid cartoon from todays Indy.
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