Puffing Polly proscribed………
’Nothing is so much to be feared as fear’.
Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862
The anti-smoking brigade have long endorsed ’fear’ as the tool of choice to persuade us to join their cult.
We have had the fear of our own imminent death from lung cancer. We had the fear of damaging our unborn children. We had the fear of damaging the lungs of the buxom bar maid in our local pub.
Then we moved onto the second tier, we had the fear of instilling the fear of our death in our children.
This morning we get word of a new tack. We must now fear damaging the lungs of our pet parrot.
This climate of fear is being used to control us. We are told what to think, what to say, what to do. We are encouraged to see the rest of the world as victims of our wrong doing, and infused with guilt as part of the process.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility, to deciding for yourself not to smoke if that was best for your health, for deciding for yourself not to work in a smoke filled bar if that was best for your health?
The list of examples in which personal responsibility for behaviour is denied goes on and on. But if we are not responsible for our actions, then who is?
It must be the State — at which point, we give society the absolute right to control our personal lives.
February 11, 2009 at 00:45
My ex-boss is now teaching in an infants’ school. She said today a boy of 5
was behaving very badly and eventually he said he was upset because his budgie
had died. ‘What colour was it?’ she asked ‘Blue’ he replied. ‘Was he very
old?’ she enquired kindly. ‘No, my daddy killed him.’ came the reply. ‘Oh
dear’ she said, ‘was it an accident?’ ‘No’ replied the tot seriously, ‘He
smoked him to death, it was all his fault ‘cos he smoked in the living room’.
February 10, 2009 at 17:58
Indeed I have Ms Raccoon but as soon as I do I get more than a little
peckish, I seem to suffer from an enormous appetite – in fact, I gobble
everything in the fridge!
February 10, 2009 at 17:43
Everyone tells me it’s a fowl habit and I’ve tried to give up. I can’t seem
to resist that ravenous craving though, so I just carrion.
February 10, 2009 at 17:46
February 10, 2009 at 17:20
You all think I’m gullible don’t you or just choughing stupid. Well I’m not
and I take precautions by inhaling deeply and never exhaling.
February 10, 2009 at 16:58
I was goint to say ‘Gnu win’ but I lost my nerve. Craven, eh?
February 10, 2009 at 16:36
Or even a Smoking Gnu.
February 10, 2009 at 16:20
And don’t use a petrel lighter.
February 10, 2009 at 15:50
Only if they have a Smoking Gull as evidence.
February 10, 2009 at 15:18
AR UR a true friend. You don’t have to worry about spiders, there are none
in the outdoor carpark off college property where I light up. Quite a few
seagulls though – d’ya think they’ll sue?
February 10, 2009 at 13:17
Nooooooo! Off – Off – Off! – Please sub edit NOW.
February 10, 2009 at 13:17
Great story AR. Will comment later, just off! for a fag.
February 10, 2009 at 13:19