Lord Mandelson And The Car Industry. This Is Not A Bail-Out! This Is Not a bail-Out!
The Business Secretary Lord Mandelson is about to unveil a package of support for the UK’s struggling car industry. The industry will be treated to some short-term help and some long-term help. It is considered by some MPs that the long term help may take quite some time to actually be of any use. It is alleged that by the time the long-term package is finally available, Kenneth Clarke may well be leading a Tory Government.
Remember what happened to the coal-miners during that particular administration.
How many cars do we need ask the hard-pressed tax-payers? There are thousands of cars littering the car-parks of car-plants up and down the country.
However, Lord Mandelson wants us to be sure that this is not a bail-out. We must make this clear. This is not a bail-out.
January 29, 2009 at 21:42
Oh dear.
Is this the same Mandy who demanded an Italian Maserati as his official car
out of the EU budget?
January 29, 2009 at 22:22
January 27, 2009 at 21:42
have not used that word since I was at school.
Don’t mention cats and pigeons in the same sentence!
Kenneth Kitten Clarke may hear us!
January 27, 2009 at 20:22
Coco said:
… nakedly copied from my own Kitten Commentariat Manifesto!
Wasn’t that “Pigeon Appetiser Promise” in your KC Manifesto? Sorry, but
those ravenous kitties may turn hissy if PAP turns out to be inedible; in
fact, they may even be spitting feathers .
January 27, 2009 at 17:48
I reckon it’s Panic And Proselytism – still PAP, though.
January 27, 2009 at 17:26
I don’t for one minute that this is a bail-out either!
I reckon it’s a Pacifier Appeasement Programme …………. nakedly copied from my
own Kitten Commentariat Manifesto! Outrageous!
Mandy will do anything to make sure that the masses are pacified and
appeased – until wee Gordie Bruney gets another term.
I wonder who Mandy will be championing as the new Labour Leader?
Scary times are upon us …….. Mandy don’t want nobody doing none of there
stikes an’ all that ……… No way! Not until after the next Election.
Come in Ken Clarke ……. Your country needs you!