Gary McKinnon and the USA – (Who happen to have been on constant High Alert Since 9/11!)
United States security services have been on extreme high alert since the atrocious 9/11 terrorist attacks.
A young guy with a lot of time on his hands decided to hack into all the major security systems from a dial-up computer in his bedroom to see if he could glean information about UFOs. The security services were not aware of his infiltration. The young guy even used his girl-friend’s easily-trackable email address to leave messages for the security services to tell them that he had gained access and that their security was crap.
The young guy’s name is Gary McKinnon and he is now being charged with causing more than £500,000 worth of damage to the computer systems and could face up to 70 years in prison.
Really? Yes really!
Gary McKinnon has just been diagnosed with Asperger’s. He has a gift.
The US should realise they are dealing with a genius here – and offer him a job working with the US Government.
Today! Not next week when we have all been blown to smithereens.
Gary McKinnon for Chief of Security!
January 23, 2009 at 15:34
Precisely chaps! Precisely.
January 23, 2009 at 13:09
Looks like the combination to me.
January 23, 2009 at 11:53
Computer genius, or rubbish security?
January 23, 2009 at 10:52
Take a thief to catch a thief… They would be crazy to jail him.
I haven’t followed this story. Understand that he’s British and risks to be
extradited to the States … ?
January 23, 2009 at 08:17
January 23, 2009 at 08:16
Gary McKinnon’s Mum is such a dignified and remarkable lady. Respect! Just
watching her on GMTV now. What a lovely woman.
January 23, 2009 at 08:12
I ask myself …….. What would Stalin have done in this position? What would
some past Presidents and Prime Ministers have done?
They would have got Gary McKinnon onside.
A bit like Gordon Brown has done with Peter Mandelson ………..
A bit like David Cameron with Kenneth!
January 23, 2009 at 08:06
Coco! I could not agree more! Let Gary McKinnon get the recognition he
You are right. The guy is a genius to be treasured and nurtured.
How dare anybody try to imprison him for wrecking some computers.
This outstanding young man has probably saved us from billions of dollars
worth of terrorist damage!
And he got the security chiefs off their arses and made them start doing
their job properly!
But has he? Are they really doing their job?
Get Gary McKinnon to sort them out!