Weaselly, measly, miserly mots……
Alastair Darling has dismissed speculation that the Government would “print money” to ease the pain of recession.
“Nobody is talking about printing money,” he said. “There is a debate to be had about what you do to support the economy as interest rates approach zero, as they are in the US, but for us that is an entirely hypothetical debate.”
Does he mean
a) any debate regarding ‘what to do’ is entirely hypothetical? They have already decided to print money.
b) He’s not going to print money, just mint pound coins.
c) Nobody is talking about it, especially to the cabinet or parliament, but they are going to do it anyway.
d) There is a ‘D’ notice on the entire subject and they are busy doing it at this exact moment.
e) We call it quantitative easing, nobody is mentioning printing money.
January 12, 2009 at 04:09
How utterly fucking desperate was Gordie to have to ask Darling to be
And ….. knowing that he would not only have to work with him – but live
next fucking door to him as well.
Now what was really going on at this point?
Surely Darling wasn’t the only yes-man available to Gordie?
Or was he?
It’s Socialism …… But not as we thought it would be.
It’s more like Communism ….. with triple the amount of KGB.
Downing St. is the gated community ….. keeping out the proles.
January 9, 2009 at 21:24
… catch a coin-minter by his toe …
January 9, 2009 at 16:32
OK, I’ve taken the hint and changed the title!
January 9, 2009 at 16:20
Instead of cutting VAT by 2.5% why not add it to the value of money? That
would mean a Twenty pound note being worth twenty pounds 50p. That should get
the high street tills cha-chinging.
January 9, 2009 at 16:11
That’s the way the money goes
January 9, 2009 at 15:56
You could always take half a pound of tuppeny rice, half a pound of
treacle, mix it up and make it nice and then go ‘Pop’?
January 9, 2009 at 15:32
When weaselly, measly, miserly words are all you have in your vocabulary,
then you don’t have much choice.