Hurling cobbles is so last year, hurling the cobbler’s craft is the new fad.
We can go back nigh on 3000 years to debate the rights and wrongs of the current middle east crisis. Those who quote alleged wrongs from biblical times would not be impressed to find their patch of, say, coastal Sussex, handed back to a foreign power on such grounds, so let us forget that avenue; we shall start anew with the situation this year.
We in the UK have allegedly to accept that suicide bombers will enliven our Saturday shopping ‘experience’ as a direct consequence of having been party to unleashing several tons of high octane ordinance on Iraq. Hamas equally must accept that if you poke a neighbouring sovereign state daily with rockets, home-made or otherwise, then that state is liable to retaliate. Israel is equipped with the most sophisticated modern military hardware. What did Hamas expect? A few home-made rockets in return? Of course not, they knew exactly the response they would get – it ill behoves them to make humanitarian and political capital out of their actions as innocent victims.
Hamas is an extremist Islamic organisation supported by Syria and Iran, it is linked with Hezbollah which is currently trying to take control of Lebanon. Russian and China are no strangers at their dinner table.
Hamas is the elected government in Palestine. Governing is what governments are supposed to do. Governing in the interests of their people – not in the interests of foreign powers.
Israel is in the front line, and we should be supporting them – not because they are Jewish, not because we are of the faith ourselves, not through blind obedience to any faith, but out of self interest – for if they do not hold the line, this creeping islamofascism will be on our doorstep and we will have to hold the line. Gaza this week, Helmund province this month, coming to a town near you very shortly after.
We are invited by the cringeworthy BBC to see Israel’s actions as those of the bully boy – in truth it is Israel who is standing up to the bully boys.
We are invited by assorted left wing ‘luvvies’ to condemn Israel’s response – they adopt the Muslim insult and throw shoes in Downing Street – will they adopt the burkha and take their daughters out of school when the Caliphate takes over Hampstead?
January 5, 2009 at 13:25
Gordon Brown is trying to put the mental back into fundamentalism – that
worries me more!
January 5, 2009 at 12:00
Trying to put the fun back into fundamentalism, a branch of
thethighhighimams are opening a new group Northampton.
January 5, 2009 at 06:43
Errrrr ….. The Yen has just hit an a massive high against the dollar!!!
Is the smart money going into Yin Yong Tiddly Hi Po or what?
I might buy myself a combined milk and asbestos factory next to the Yellow
River instead of running off to Boston and France this year.
Confucius say – ‘Yin Yang Ting – Buy some Ming1
January 5, 2009 at 06:02
ActionAid wants your shoes right now! Despite the fact that for thirty
years we have begged health workers to use safe practices and for the
sexually-active to have safe sex – we now find that every thirty seconds a
woman is diagnosed with AIDS.
We have a lack of hygiene and needles in places like Africa and filthy
bastards using their cultures to hide behind whilst preying on virgins as a
cure for their AIDS – but what about the Western World? What excuses do they
have for this disease to be so prevalent in today’s society. It’s an utter
And the new laws want people to make a declaration of having this
disease??? Yeah right!
Only ever have safe sex! Even with your husband or wife. You don’t know
where they have been!
January 5, 2009 at 05:49
Oh Christ! I get it now! – Gordie is a mender of soles? – I thought he was
a mender of Souls!
Bugger! I’m getting my Gordons mixed up!
Mind you ….. it was next to the tonic! And I needed one of those
January 5, 2009 at 02:29
Gordie is creating work for old cobblers in the depressed areas of southern
China – it’s part of his master plan. He’s saving the world, don’t you
January 5, 2009 at 02:21
What can I say? Where do I start?
It’s the bit about about the shoes that I feel needs to be dealt with
before I make comment on anything else ………
Are these shoes being returned to their owners? Are they being
Were they throwing good shoes – or were they just shoes that were going to
be thrown in the bin anyway?
My Mum’s pals used to throw worn and used knickers at Tom Jones and he
loved it.
Indeed he says himself that his concerts would not have been the same
without all the knicker-throwing.
Therefore – we have to realise that what some people find insulting in some
cultures – can be a lovely gesture in others ………
Basically, what I want to say is this – I would love people to throw their
shoes at me – especially if they are a ladies size 5 – and have beads or
sequins on.
I also have a pal who wears size 7 – so please hurl all your old shoes at
me anytime! I will distribute them accordingly.
I promise to deal with the Jews and Moslems as soon as I have resolved the
issue of what happens to all the shoes that were thrown at Downing St.
And I suggest that Gordie Brunie does the same ……. and shuts the fuck up
for five minutes this week!
He is getting in the way of the New World Order …….
So rap up Gordie! Get out there and see if any of those shoes are worth
Saving the World can wait!
January 4, 2009 at 22:49
Bugger Bognor!
January 4, 2009 at 17:51