Operation It Could be YewTree
November 17, 2013 at 11:40 -
I see that a ‘Public Health Expert’ is calling for the age of consent to be lowered ….! This should be interesting – the comms say it all !
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2508665/Lower-age-consent-15-says-Britains-leading-public-health-expert-bid-draw-line-sand-teenagers-sex.html -
November 13, 2013 at 09:13 -
VictoriaLucas also did a Top Of The Pops ‘Yewtree Countdown’
November 13, 2013 at 09:38 -
That came out on YouTube a couple of months ago – don’t know how it slipped by us all.
November 12, 2013 at 22:48 -
My latest blog post ‘Mandatory reporting – the first 21 mins of After Savile’ !
November 12, 2013 at 21:36 -
This should be a must-attend event
November 12, 2013 at 23:29 -
I see MWT is now a professor as well!
November 13, 2013 at 10:04 -
Donal Macintyre in his introduction as interviewer of MtWaT: “But the questions I want answering are: ‘Just who do investigative journalists think they are; have they the right to unleash such far-reaching consequences? Is society a better place for this kind of journalism and if we didn’t lift the lid on these issues who would?’ Surprisingly enough Admission is free, so perhaps those living within the region might like to while away the time by voicing their answers!
November 13, 2013 at 10:40 -
Incredibly, they seem to be portraying this as an example of the sort of “exposing the truth” that the processes of Leveson are seeking to stifle.
There’s a delightful irony in this old story he gave to the Mail where Donal tells of his brother’s physical abuse by a bullying teacher, and uses Rolf Harris’ “Two Little Boys” song to conjour up emotinal imagery.
November 12, 2013 at 21:20 -
What’s happened to Captain Pugwash? Wasn’t this supposed to be something about buggery and cabin boys? Apologies to the makers of course – but haven’t seen sight of this past ‘reading of the runes’ recently. When Hammy the Hamster and Tales from the Riverside are fingered I’ll really give up – there was a very pleasant guitar solo as I remember.
On the other hand I seem to remember that a pair on Sesame St were being pressured to ‘come out’ as affirmative action – but just how old were they at the time exactly? We need to know!
November 12, 2013 at 19:59 -
My first French was ‘ménage à trois’ and I still wonder if the captive Looby Loo was ever rescued from that notorious Teddy and Andy Pandy basket domicile.
November 11, 2013 at 17:03 -
Congratulations to the producers of this brilliant video! It needs to go viral. Wonder what the Witchfinder General thinks of becoming a laughing-stock, let alone a gaggle of middle-aged women of our acquaintance!
November 11, 2013 at 17:08 -
Hi Sally xxx
November 12, 2013 at 00:24 -
Hi rabbit – belated happy birthday!
November 12, 2013 at 01:13 -
Thanks Sally – I had a lovely day xx
November 12, 2013 at 02:21 -
Trivia – but Vjictoria Lucas was the pen-name of Sylvia Plath at the beginning of her career.
I’m intrigued that the first video was released around the same time as the controversy about the Exposed show was first going on. I wish that I’d known about it at the time – it would have helped to know that someone else was out there who felt that something peculiar was afoot.
I saw in the comments section, the following post: ” Please tweet to mtwat as I appear to have been blocked: https://twitter.com/mwilliamsthomas I’m sure he has a great sense of humour underneath all that self-importance!”
Can someone oblige?
November 12, 2013 at 02:22 -
Victoria Lucas, sorry!
November 16, 2013 at 11:48 -
Even more trivia – I think that name was just used by Plath for “The Bell Jar”, not for the earlier poems
November 16, 2013 at 17:08 -
Henry said: “Even more trivia – I think that name was just used by Plath for “The Bell Jar”, not for the earlier poems.”
It seems that she used the pseudonym for The Bell Jar because she didn’t wish to upset people she cared about. Otherwise she was always Sylvia Plath. After she died, not long after publication of The Bell Jar, her publishers then used her real name.
November 11, 2013 at 16:32 -
I bet they never get to the children that are really, genuinely suffering (at least until it’s too late), always the big mouthed, pushy, manipulative liars and bullies – you can see it…
November 11, 2013 at 16:50 -
Maybe it’s all a myth anyway. I can recall quite some years ago reading pages after page in the Daily Mail about some incredible, organised abuse ring in Belgium. It was all based around some guy called Dutroux. I think the Mail banged on about it for about a fortnight. I knew a Belgian and was well-versed in the British notions of “plucky little Belgium”, and thought how odd that the EU is being run from a Belgian city. The tales were all very confidently asserted, just as the Savile tales have been – there seemed no room for doubt and the police were up to their eyeballs both in it, and in covering it all up. I waited and waited for the Belgian government to collapse; I think I recall there were street demonstrations reported. But, nothing ever happened and the next thing was we had a Belgian EU President. So, whatever happened I wondered….. it’s all on the internet of course.
November 11, 2013 at 17:07 -
@Moor – good article by B Hewson just published on Spiked – see my comment re ur blog post ‘hiding in plain sight’ !
November 11, 2013 at 20:10 -
Moor Larkin,
Re: “Maybe it’s all a myth anyway. I can recall quite some years ago reading pages after page in the Daily Mail about some incredible, organised abuse ring in Belgium. It was all based around some guy called Dutroux. I think the Mail banged on about it for about a fortnight. I knew a Belgian and was well-versed in the British notions of “plucky little Belgium”, and thought how odd that the EU is being run from a Belgian city. The tales were all very confidently asserted, just as the Savile tales have been –there seemed no room for doubt and the police were up to their eyeballs both in it, and in covering it all up. I waited and waited for the Belgian government to collapse; I think I recall there were street demonstrations reported. But, nothing ever happened and the next thing was we had a Belgian EU President. So, whatever happened I wondered….. it’s all on the internet of course”
A lot of it will be a myth as you know, and because of that it will be distracting from the fewer genuine victims of this kind of crime and distracting and *trivialising* the ordeals of the many many more ‘boring’ victim’s of plain old violence, neglect and emotional abuse, with no ‘sexual’ element, because “what have they got to moan about, they were never ‘abused’?” i.e it’s not *abuse* unless it can be classed as ‘sexual’.
I’ve heard reactions like that before…
November 11, 2013 at 20:47 -
Found a very good dissection of the Dutroux case on this forum. The whole thing sounds like the Fred & Rose West murders but with the addition of Savilesque X-Witnesses… which is where all the conspiracy started. It appears that the Belgians operate an “inquisitorial” system where all matters pertaining are investigated prior to trial. this was why Dutroux was in prison for six years before he was ever tried – because a bunch of crazy folks started telling stories to gullible policemen.
Duterme takes De Baets off the case, stating he lied, and appoints other detectives to reread the dossier and to check the testimonies of the X witnesses. Virtually none of the testimonies of the X witnesses checks out. October 1997, Prof. Igodt, psychatrist at Louvain University, writes in his report on Regina that she suffers from DID (the new name for MPD) and that principally, her testimony must be treated as incredible unless corroborated by other data – which doesn’t happen. De Baets will later be exonerated of the charge of lying, as could not be proven that he willfully misrepresented facts. He had just been very gullible and all too eager in believing his confabulating witnesses.-
November 11, 2013 at 21:21 -
Dutroux kidnapped girls as young as 8 and held them prisoner, some of them he murdered, two of them starved to death because his wife and accomplice “forgot” to feed them. That case is Fred and Rose West to a T. All the gory facts are out there if your stomach can take them, but please separate that horrible case from the Savile/Yewtree one, because they’re not the same at all. For a start, Dutroux’s victims are dead.
November 11, 2013 at 21:31 -
Yes, it was the X-Witnesses that relate to the Savile matter. That’s why I said it was like the West Murders but with a Yewtree tacked on. It does seem that one reason the Dutroux matter became “conspiranoid” was because there was a very long pre-trial delay, but ironically this delay was being caused by the X-Witness testimony being taken seriously. Later Dutroux apparently tried to buy into the conspiracy in order to further confuse the issue.
There are a number of folks around who are pursuing the notion that Savile was procuring for “Elites” – exactly the same as started being said about Dutroux, once that conspiracy got going.
November 12, 2013 at 10:31 -
This kind of crackpottery has a long history. I read about the destruction of The Knights Templar organisation in the 14th century, and the parallels between that case and more modern ones are breathtaking. As Norman Cohn wrote in Europe’s Inner Demons:
“Early in 1304 or (more probably) 1305 a Frenchman called Esquiu de Floyran made his way to Lerida, where King James II of Aragon was accustomed to pass the spring months. He obtained an audience of the king and, in the presence of the kings confessor, made certain horrific revelations concerning the Order of Knights Templars.”
The allegations were of sodomy and demon worship, and it led to horrific torture, burnings and the rest of it. When these sort of allegations are taken credulously and not subject to intelligent scrutiny (e.g. genocidal anti-heretic crusades, witch-panic, Satanic Panic of the 80′s) you end up with a nightmare.
November 12, 2013 at 14:27 -
Duncan Disorderly,
Re: “This kind of crackpottery has a long history. I read about the destruction of The Knights Templar organisation in the 14th century…
The allegations were of sodomy and demon worship, and it led to horrific torture, burnings and the rest of it. When these sort of allegations are taken credulously and not subject to intelligent scrutiny (e.g. genocidal anti-heretic crusades, witch-panic, Satanic Panic of the 80′s) you end up with a nightmare”
Oh dear, will people ever learn? Lol – it wouldn’t have been the first time something like that happened either….
November 12, 2013 at 14:46 -
The end of English-style Libel and the resurrection of French-style Libelles perhaps….
Libelles were invariably of a political nature, both slanderous and subversive.
They proliferated during times of political crises, from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries.
November 12, 2013 at 21:34 -
Yes Dutroux did try to use the confusion and uncertainty regarding the allegations of a huge ring of abusers to his own advantage. If his crimes had not been so appalling, he may have had more success.
There were some similar, but more ‘low-grade’ conspiracies surrounding the West case too. I remember for years it was claimed that local police had been paying customers of his wife, and went to parties where abducted girls were abused. This was before the internet though, so they have largely died AFAIK. (cue link to website dedicated to West conspiracy theories…)
November 11, 2013 at 16:23 -
She’s summed the whole thing up in less than 20 minutes, lol
November 11, 2013 at 15:43 -
Very funny movie. I also then watched the clip in which Barbara Hewson was interviewed by some multicultural dark-skinned politically-correct guy who feigned outrage at her perfectly reasonable comments in her Spiked article, such as making the point that Stuart Hall’s offences were rather minor misdemeanours along the spectrum of sex offenses (although I understand he has subsequently been charged with multiple rapes).
What really struck me, both in the spoof of the MWT documentary and the interview is the extent to which UK television has become tabloidized to a ridiculous degree and how shocking it is that so many people who ought to know better lack the ability to deconstruct what they are seeing on the screen.
Personally I have not watched TV recreationally for almost a decade other than a couple of major golf tournaments and the C-Beebies channel which is for little children and features a Rastafarian rat, unless you count a few exposures to CNN when in airport departure lounges. I highly recommend abstention from TV, because when you do eventually catch a glimpse of it, you realize how ridiculous it is and what an effective propaganda tool it is to control the thinking processes of the masses. We might laugh at North Korea, but really the UK and the US are not much different.
November 12, 2013 at 16:00 -
* I also then watched the clip in which Barbara Hewson was interviewed by some multicultural dark-skinned politically-correct guy *
That’s Krishnan Guru-Murthy, who first interviewed Jimmy Savile when he was about 18………
Krishnan was 18 I mean – not Jimmy
Check out the reactionary youth. They didn’t like Jimmy at all. They have had the last word.
November 11, 2013 at 13:06 -
Such a talented film maker – he has been doing his take on the Yewtree/Exposure thing from the beginning – here’s the first one ‘Panorama – Great Uncle Bulgaria spoof’ Oct 30th 2012 – in other words, every time they bring out their shit, he counteracts their nonsense – thanks Anna and thanks ‘VictoriaLucas38′ !
BTW – his other stuff is great too !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8Zow4aEinUOnwards !
November 11, 2013 at 13:03 -
This is quite hilarious. Now it’s the adults who need protection…………
A BBC insider said: ‘It is a BBC policy that adults have to be escorted when they are around anyone who is under age.
‘Managers, photographers and producers all have an escort, even when they are in the studio or the office. The escorts themselves also have to go around in pairs so they have a back-up who can vouch for them if they find themselves in a difficult situation.-
November 11, 2013 at 13:09 -
We had a good discussion about this last night on ‘titter’
November 11, 2013 at 12:22 -
………… doesn’t this just show beautifully how mad the world has gone and how it has made an ass of British Justice – whatever happened to a fair trial and innocent until proven guilty…
Well done on this – lovin’ it!
November 11, 2013 at 12:46 -
November 11, 2013 at 11:35 -
Laughed my socks off – but sadly it IS what is happening, just change the names and it shows the ridiculous situation we are in, don’t laugh much these days – so thank you my fluffy little friend xxxx
November 11, 2013 at 11:27 -
A recent comment at rabbitaway’s Blog makes clear that this is hilariously funny but not at all a joke.
“It is terrifying, my defence witnesses have not been interviewed, one of whom was supposed to have been aware of the alleged “abuse” the investigations are totally slanted into building a case rather than finding the truth. And if you have young children you have ss crawling all over you, after all it was recently claimed that just because a child states they are not being abused that doesn’t mean that they are not !
I am lucky in that I will be able to fund a specialist defence, but really feel for the poor souls that have to depend on the third rate legal aid system where they have little or no choice in who defends them and the case preparation is minimal.
I have been kicked out of the family home for over six months and I am only allowed supervised access to my bewildered children.
The savile effect has made things worse but this has been going on for a number of years. I have spoken to others with similar cases where forensic evidence was never submitted that could have cleared people. The police are well aware that they are in effect fitting people up to enable them to reach conviction targets yet carry on regardless.
http://rabbitaway.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/weve-only-just-begun.html -
November 11, 2013 at 10:50 -
And next Monday at 7.30, Germaine Greer – Dr Who Said THAT?
November 11, 2013 at 10:48 -
Uncle Bulgaria was so sure he would never get caught -thanks to his friends on the Farce- that even his name was a sick joke!
The word ‘bugger’ actually derives from the word ‘Bulgaria’ (via a buch of sodomites and heretics called the Bogo-somethings).…and lets not forget Seaman Staines…
I was nogged by Noggin The Nog and it ruined my childhood!
November 11, 2013 at 13:52 -
November 11, 2013 at 10:41 -
I always know that there was something off about these Wombles, and I refused to have anything to do with them apart from watching the tv episodes, buying the Wombles Annuals and all the singles, as well as attending a Wombles concert at Earl’s Court. Indeed, what is all the more shocking is the involvement of Madame Cholet in these matters.
Along with many others I feel violated and that there has been an abuse of trust. Although it is not about the money, and all I want is closure, I feel compelled to instruct a very expensive form of solicitors who will charge a great deal of money to sue both the BBC and the noted composer of many Wombles songs, Mike Batt.
Just reading about this has brought it all back and initiated PTSD and it explains why I have just spent 7 years as a prisoner of Her Majesty for people trafficking, which is clearly a result of the trauma. I can sue for that too.
However, this is not an end of the matter. “What we need” is a proper inquiry into the extent of the Wombles involvement into phone hacking, also costing several million pounds. I want a report which confirms that there were systemic failures by Hackney Social Services and confirms that lessons will be learned, so I can sue them too.
On another note, It is estimates that more than 1,000 died needlessly in the care of the South Staffs NHS Trust. -
November 11, 2013 at 10:30 -
I always had my suspicions about the ‘Marvelous Mechanical Mouse *Organ*’….
I feel so violated.
November 11, 2013 at 10:21 -
I made a copy of it, just in case the blue-rinse meanies flag it to death.
November 11, 2013 at 10:05 -
Hilarious! All it was missing was an increase of Mr. Benn’s sentence following Public Outrage…
November 11, 2013 at 09:51 -
November 11, 2013 at 09:04 -
Brilliant!!! Love it!!!
November 11, 2013 at 08:46 -
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