Multiculturalism has failed in Britain – Cameron
10 out of 10 for raw courage Mr Cameron!
This morning he will dive head first into the hornet’s nest of multiculturalism.In a direct assault on the sacred behemoth of the far left, he is due to address a security conference in Munich, and the following are leaked excerpts of his speech.
“Britain and other European nations need to “wake up to what is happening in our countries” as well as tackling terrorism through military operations overseas.”
“Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream,”
” [it is] time to replace Britain’s “passive tolerance” with an “active, muscular liberalism” to send a message that life in Britain revolves around certain key values such as freedom of speech, equal rights and the rule of law.
“A passively tolerant society … stands neutral between different values,” he will say. “A genuinely liberal country does much more. It believes in certain values and actively promotes them.”
All of which is no more than a large portion of his electorate have been saying for the past 15 years. I have never believed that the British are truly racist – but they have been adamantly opposed to the policies which lie behind multiculturalism – and that opposition has been labelled racist. If anything could have enraged the indigenous population – and by that, I do not mean the ‘white’ population, merely the population that resided in the UK prior to 15 years ago, it was finding themselves labelled racist for reacting to a change in policy in the way in which we welcomed newcomers to our shores.
All of us, of a certain age, grew up with the mnemonic ‘when in Rome‘ embedded in our minds. We applied it when we visited other countries, we expected other nationalities to apply it when they visited or stayed in our country. The arrival of the Labour government marked a period when this wasn’t to be applied any longer – and anybody who said it was, was a racist.
Knife crime has soared in Britain as suburbs became overloaded with people for whom knife crime was a culturally engrained habit – and naturally they weren’t expected to part with their cultural habits. Education suffered as children found themselves in classes stuffed with non-English speaking children, who naturally were not expected to part with their cultural habit of speaking anything other than English. Even though we had rejected the French classification of a ‘crime of passion’ for hundreds of years, we were suddenly expected to understand the concept of ‘honour killings’ as unwanted brides were stuffed piecemeal into a suitcase and dumped beside the motorway. We were racist if we objected to being force fed Halal meat on the grounds that other cultures shouldn’t have to search out special food and it was more cost effective to provide Halal meat for everyone.
The British were never, could never, be racist, we are a mongrel race ourselves, and have welcomed people from all over the world for centuries until the Labour government came into power.
We were, quite rightly, proud of our heritage, proud of a parliament that dated back centuries before MPs wives appeared draped in a bed sheet to discuss their ‘bedroom secrets’, or festooned in gold lame to be manhandled around the dance floor like a shopping trolley – or worse , in the dock charged with theft from the British public.
We were Culturalists – perhaps Cameron’s speech today will mark a return to those days.
Your thoughts? Perhaps we should have a competition for ‘Guardian headline of the week’ next week?
February 9, 2011 at 07:13
Cameron has finally pointed out the problems that Britain faces today as a
result of immigration. The rules should be stricter than they are now because
otherwise Britain will become a country where immigrants come without even a
basic knowledge of the language or culture. Then it will be impossible to
share British values with other people.
February 6, 2011 at 12:44
Muslims can’t contribute anything positive, they can only destroy civilised
life. This is the disaster that multiculturalism has inflicted on
February 5, 2011 at 19:52
What about the offspring of these immigrants of the last 15 years; what
nationality might they be?
February 5, 2011 at 19:28
My observation on this is that presumably many of the immigrants came to
the UK because it looked, felt and operated in a better manner than where they
originated from and provided a greater opportunity in life. Originally, the
outward sign, was that lots of them opened corner shops, but corner shop are
intrinsically very British and they certainly learnt the lingo in order to run
them and they were very successful.
What confuses me today, is why they are setting about trying to turn
Britain into the place they came from and threaten the people if they
don’t follow suit. I just don’t understand it. If they didn’t want to live in
a country like Britain, why did they come?
February 5, 2011 at 17:00
Most males are inherently racist. Me included. It’s the result of natural
selection, like a lot of other unpleasant and obselete characteristics. I try
to override them. But they’re always in there.
February 5, 2011 at 17:22
February 5, 2011 at 16:22
Can you supply both the old and the new definitions of these terms? Just so
that I know if either applies to me.
February 5, 2011 at 17:50
The definitions constantly evolve, to ensure that everyone (except those
in officially recognised victim groups, of course) can be classed as
So, yes, you probably are.
February 5, 2011 at 13:29
Of course the English are a racist people – it was accomplished by the
simple means of redefining racism.
Same with ‘homophobia’ and various other
isms and phobias
February 5, 2011 at 12:34
I feel the over-foreheaded prick has some chutzpah lecturing Muslims about
freedom and equality when his government, like its predecessors, isn’t
prepared to let British citizens have either. I’d call him a hypocrite but to
be fair to the bastard I think it’s simply that he wouldn’t recognise freedom
if it came up with a box of chocolates and shagged him.
February 5, 2011 at 11:54
“and why have the ‘working classes’ suddenly become inarticulate? They
Says a lot about the policies and practices of the left.”
Anna, you hit upon an incredibly important question that goes way beyond
the original post in scope. I don’t really know the answr but I think that is
maybe (from a wiser head than me) worth a post of it’s own.
5, 2011 at 12:07
Bread and circuses. The Romans knew this.
You just need to amend for today’s audience – no longer happy to watch
lions facing bestiarii, or chariot races. Instead, we have football,
‘Eastenders’, and Katie Price’s assets.
February 5, 2011 at 12:24
Try watching Eastenders or Coronation Street without the sound. It’s
nothing but a lot of angry people pulling ugly, twisted faces at other
angry people. Or ugly, twisted people pulling angry faces at other ugly,
twisted people. You choose.
February 5, 2011 at 11:43
At last some pragmatism from vacuous media-man Dave. I hope he means it –
instead of the cynically low expectations expressed above, we should seize
this moment and post encouraging, positive reactions.
Congrats for the fine
caricature of dopey Charlie at the top, showing a melange of the worst aspects
of multiculti-thingy. It’s a brilliant piece of Photoshopping – it almost
looks like a photograph (except no-one could really look & be that stupid,
could they?).
5, 2011 at 11:14
Indeed – it started back in 1984 when Enoch Powell said it all. See my post
February 5, 2011 at 11:06
It’s all very good to finally hear him say this, but the thousands and
thousands of taxpayer funded seat warmers in local gummint will continue to
enforce their regime of (newly failed) multiculturalism in schools, health
services, offices, the police etc etc etc and pay not one scintilla of
attention to CallMeDave.
As JuliaM says in the first comment “talk is cheap”.
What’s he actually going to DO?
February 5, 2011 at 11:01
I see a rather smug Comment is Free piece today calling the left to arms
has claimed that the working class are “inarticulate”. Says a lot about the
true motives and beliefs of the left.
February 5, 2011 at 10:54
“Knife crime has soared in Britain as suburbs became overloaded with people
for whom knife crime was a culturally engrained habit – and naturally they
weren’t expected to part with their cultural habits” – and so on.
Occupational hazard, I know, but you appear to have contracted a mild dose
of the memetic virus MP 3 ( Melphilmemiridae). Nothing to worry about and it
will pass, but for God’s sake don’t research anything written by Johann Hari
whilst recovering.
February 5, 2011 at 10:17
There is a problem?
Step one, acknowledge that there is a problem.
Step two, define
Step three, solve it.
A major party seems to be taking step one.
I’m kinda pleased about
February 5, 2011 at 09:58
Wow! Even the comments are expertly satirical! Lenko, you made me chuckle
with that old cliche of “stick some different countries’ names together to
represent all…you know…those people”. Then – zing! – you follow it up with the
classic “not in a sexual way”. Cos up until that point everyone assumed you
meant you loved touching willies and that, which is wrong but I don’t do it,
ever, not me mate.
I have a lot of catching up to do. Ok. Let’s try “send them back if they
don’t want to live like normal people”.
I’m doing it right, right?
February 5, 2011 at 13:42
When I’ve played on pitch and putt,
I’ve seen the groundsman make his
When he scrubs with brush and Surf,
I know I’ve played on
February 5, 2011 at 09:37
Dunno whether it will lead anywhere, but at least Dave the Pink has at last
said something I can agree with. (The last lot never did). I think it will
resonate with a whole basketful of people.
If I emigrate to (say) AfPakisStania, they will expect me and my wives and
off-spring to learn the bloody language. I will not expect that all official
documents are available in twenty-seven costly translations. I will learn the
local customs. I will not advocate adoption of the British legal code when
they have evolved their own. I will not expect special concessions because I
am new to their country. When they disagree with my point of view, I will not
call them racist. And all I ask is that we operate in the same way.
Long ago, I once completed an official form by writing, in the box labelled
“racial origin”, the word “mongrel”. I was sharply taken to task by a council
jobsworth, who claimed that the word applied only to dogs. I scratched it out
and re-wrote “Afghan”. It was accepted without comment.
For the avoidance of doubt, I love (though not in a sexual way) my fellow
man. Even Americans. Don’t care what colour skin he has, though I wouldn’t go
much on green. But sometimes my fellow man can be bloody stupid. Just like
February 5, 2011 at 09:16
If you think shiny faced Dave is going to do anything other than blow hot
air you are severely mistaken. He is little more than Blair in a blue tie – a
cipher, an empty suit.
He is not a proper Tory
February 5, 2011 at 09:07
Horse, stable, door.
February 5, 2011 at 09:13
I think that says it all. Where will it lead? We cannot say, but the face
and culture of Britain has been changed, and in some places in due course
will clearly be or is being expunged for good, without ever a recourse to
the views or votes of the electorate
February 5, 2011 at 20:45
For immigrants to integrate, there would have to be a “Britain” to
integrate with. Outside the armed forces, which wonderfully perpetuate the
traditions of Empire, I am not sure such a thing any longer exists. There
is no British football, cricket or rugby team, no British legal system, no
British education system, no British language, no British
There are proudly re-invigorated nations in Scotland and
Wales but England, which has or had all these things, has been phased out,
like Middlesex. It is merely an economic space, many of whose people,
perhaps still a majority, still have a nostalgic folk memory of
nationhood. In an economic space, there is only a need to integrate
economically, which most immigrants do.
February 6, 2011 at 09:55
The ‘face and culture’ of Britain has been changing for hundreds, if
not thousands, of years. That’s the very nature of culture.
February 5, 2011 at 08:57
And who thinks anything is going to change?
We will still import lots of low skilled people ( partly because the
natives don’t want to pick waste or clean tables at KFC). We will still have
all state documents translated into languages alien to most. We will still
have halal meat – because that is a market driven thing and it is cost
effective ( and actually it may improve the taste). Knifes and guns will still
be a part of our collective misery – because even knowing that specific ethnic
subgroubs dominate particular crimes is no way going to lead to that group
being targeted with say long sentences, deportations or harsh policing.
Like it says above. Talk is cheap. And anyway, so far they only talk a good
job, eg they haven’t cut anything except our capacity to defend our country
and its dependencies from attack by hostile powers.
Hot air. MPs should just claim a renewable energy grant on their
February 5, 2011 at 08:54
Brilliant satire. Almost too close to wild-eyed, panicking,
sweeping-generalisations and flailingly outraged xenophobia for comfort – but
you just about got away with it.
February 5,
2011 at 07:59
“The arrival of the Labour government …”
Actually, who thinks this is when it started?
February 5, 2011 at 09:28
We have experienced waves of immigration and each set of newcomers has
caused some discontent; Huguenots, Jews, west Indians and most recently,
south Asians and eastern Europeans.
The thing that always gets my goat is that it is Labour who are always
accused of being responsible, but in my lifetime, the Tories have been
equally encouraging of immigration while spouting anti immigrant poppycock
when appealing to their core vote.
The problem to my mind has been not of immigration itself but of our
handling of it. You want to work, claim benefits, go to the doctor’s, report
a crime or even buy a sandwich? Learn your host country’s language or employ
your own interpreter. The only reason I have never moved to, say, Germany or
Italy is my command of their languages would reduce me to living on crisps
and living in a skip – therefore, I haven’t done it… (although often wish I
February 5, 2011 at 10:32
Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more
can’t find the original article, but here’s a later comment from the Standard
February 5,
2011 at 07:58
It’s just words, calculated to hit the newspapers on the weekend of the EDL
Talk is cheap, iDave. Show me…