Is Sickie-Icke Dicky?

It’s been so long for me since I began the stressful and lonely path of ‘thinking outside of the box’ in terms of digesting the information I was being fed (and, of course, I often forget how blissful it must be to have faith in the media and the other ‘forces of good’). To give it a name I suppose I’d call it ‘personal empowerment’. I’m driven by a desire to get the most out of life, but I do not confuse this – as so many seem to – with ‘power over others’ and using people to further my own personal agenda.
In these 18 years since I started to really ‘open my eyes’ – the whole of my adult life – I have seen and experienced things I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed or encountered, or that I would have otherwise have put down to ‘luck’ or taken as written. In this time I have seen society and life in the UK descend to levels of banality even I didn’t foresee in such a short period of time. Or maybe I did (see my next article) I just hoped things wouldn’t happen so quickly?
The path of this self-education has taken in many authors and scholars – from the better self-help books, psychology and occasionally fiction; authors as varied Ayn Rand, Tony Robbins, M.Scott Peck, Stuart Goldsmith and David Icke. Taking no individual word as ‘gospel’ but going with my own sense takes self-belief I learned as an adult, not something I was spoon-fed as a child. For instance, although ‘life-coach’ and motivational guru Anthony Robbins has that cringeworthy kind of Whitehouse-endorsed corporate-friendly ‘your life is amazing’ Americanisms, there is no doubt that his love and self-belief based philosophy offers the open-minded a ‘yin’ to the ‘yang’ of the necessary but somewhat negative realisations of the Ickes and Goldsmiths.
Particularly in the area of ‘finding closure’ when someone is harbouring their own emotional damage, Robbins offers a valuable ‘forgiveness’ based antidote to the hate-based lawyer-assisted ‘closure’ proffered by the police and media which actually discourages forgiveness, encourages the damaged to wallow in hate and self-pity to their own detriment, and continues their own destruction in the name of being a ‘victim’. The only way to ‘get over’ abuse or emotional damage in the past is to empower oneself today – that doesn’t garner many column inches though, alas.
I would have thought this is the message the Mark Williams-Thomas’ of this society should be sending these all-important ‘victims’ but it is not. The sheer amount of real-life ‘monsters’ created by this culture of greed and hypocrisy seems to be never-ending – but the Mick Philpott’s & Sharon Matthews’ did what they did because of aspects of the media actively encourage such mindless attention-seeking and narcissism. As Stevie Wonder said nearly forty years ago, ‘Love’s In Need Of Love Today’.
It’s true – love is in need of love today. What we are subjected to is a daily bombardment of hatred and contempt, seemingly now balanced out by the phasing out of the natural process of questioning and weighing up what we are being told. We are expected to believe everything we are told by agents of the media, and the reactions if we don’t tend toward finger-pointing counter-accusations and attempts at ridicule – or, worse.
Education – in the true sense of the word – has been replaced by the promotion of ignorance and hate, philosophy replaced by soundbites. It cannot be accidental that the secondary school education system in the UK produces amazing exam results and very little in the way of ‘knowledge’, and that a huge ‘Generation Gap’ has opened up between those born circa 1989, and those born before. To have an understanding of anything you need to apply an understanding of ‘context’, particularly in historical situations. For instance, you wouldn’t have a monarch beheading his wives in the 20th Century Britain.
There has also been what I’d describe as an annexing of children from adults in the past 15 years or so which has resulted in a massive cultural gap (something that very much extends into shared knowledge and attitude). I pretty much got on with people 10 years older than myself as I did people 10 years younger by the time I was in my early 20s, and vice versa. Teenagers embraced the assent of adulthood generally by wanting to appear like adults themselves – it was essential to ‘grow up’ if you wanted to be accepted in adult environments such as pubs, clubs and workplaces, and it was a gradual and natural process. Youth-based movements have existed in the past, but they were always founded upon ideals, there is something rather transparent about drives to “get young people interested in policing” or politics etc when they appear to lack the general knowledge or interest to apply context or ideology. They exist to become puppets.
Which brings me round to the main point of this article – the spread of misinformation created to brainwash people with no actual interest or knowledge of recent history – and specifically designed to befuddle a major irritant to the ‘New Work Order’ controllers of ‘information’. David Icke is a man who, against all odds and in the face of considerable ridicule, has managed to identify and articulate matters of great importance in both our wider society and attacks on real knowledge over the past twenty years or so. Information – and I mean actual factual information – has come to light which suggests shards of the ‘truth’ Mr Icke and his followers have been seeking to expose for all these years have been deliberately contaminated with misinformation as a planned distraction in the case of future ‘Exposure’.
There is no doubt that most of what Mr Icke – and others, sneeringly referred to as ‘conspiracy theorists’ by the mainstream media – have been writing about is founded in truth. The existence and aims of The Bilderberg Group (and it’s membership), the 9/11 controlled demolition, The New World Order – all sadly true, and – more importantly – backed up by evidence. Even the much-ridiculed ‘shape-shifting lizards’ seem to be not so ridiculous when faced with the reality of odious teflon politicians such as Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson.
Some people who pose a threat to the powers that be meet sticky ends in ‘accidents’, ‘suicide’ or ‘heart attacks’ – some are dealt with by other means. The way of dealing with David Icke has been to create the fact he is a misguided nutcase and his theories are the ranting of a madman – and in mainstream terms this has worked. After all, if he were to meet his maker via a plane crash or assassination, this would be seized upon by his loyal students as ‘proof’ of a conspiracy. Recently though, Mr Icke has fallen hook, line and sinker for a media conspiracy that has no evidence and no credibility – other than the kudos given it by Icke himself. In fact Mr Icke has fallen so deeply into these morally choppy waters I find myself wondering if he has been ‘bought off’.
I don’t think the ‘conspiracies’ I have suggested above are at all unlikely – my personal belief system is based on logic, if there is a logical reason for something to be happening I will err on the side of logic. For instance, the consequences of 9/11 (social and fiscal) have outweighed the supposed ‘cost’ have they not? If I am to buy into the subject of “institutionalised paedophilia” high up in ‘the system’ I would also suggest that the perpetrators of such evil practices would have cover and distractions ready for dispatch in the event these matters being leaked and thus become a matter of record. Indeed – if this level of systematic evil does exist there it would be utterly stupid not to plant various fairytales to distract those brave enough to venture down the path of uncovering those deadly deeds.
In my humble opinion, it is also astonishingly naive to not consider that the keenness of politicians and others woven into the fabric of the UK Government to attach themselves to popular entertainers and popular culture was to court popularity with the view of increasing their appeal to the young, to the baby boomers. If this theory wants testing it is something that is still going on today! If there are powerful paedophile networks at play, it would seem – to me, at least – that there would be a history of ‘misinformation’ scattered around regarding these matters, perhaps with unprovable tales of modern-day court jesters being involved? This is what I assume would go on, and as I have said I consider myself a logical sort of person.
Call me an idiot – I’m sure there are Ickesters who will do – but I do not see the correlation they do in the present posthumous demonisation of Jimmy Savile as a supposed ‘paedophile’ and their supposed cause of ‘exposing the dream world we believe to be real’.
When a supposed conspiracy is presented to the country as a ‘fait accompli’ on prime-time ITV (which is now far more in the idiom of ‘state television’ than the BBC ever could be) using the methods synonymous with state propaganda, is it not naive to expect leading conspiracy theorists to address the concerns immediately apparent to me (and, it turns out, many others)?
When the maker of said documentary surrounds himself in inaccurate claims, spends the next six months (and counting) dining out on his wafer-thin supposed ‘Exposure’ and has avoided completely an unscripted interview/questions-and-answers scenario does that not smack of ‘conspiracy’?
Where is the evidence? If I work on the principles promoted by Mr Icke, it is more important than ever that any issues of concern are cleared up to our complete satisfaction – surely? The truth is the posthumous vilification of Sir Jimmy Savile serves to fulfill several long-term agendas, not least the ‘buying off’ of Icke and his barmy vitriolic following. There are several ways ‘the powers that be’ could have dealt with this 20-year thorn in their side, be it the time-honoured ‘bumping off’ or the nouveau method of having some woman claim he brushed her right thigh in 1978 and then trawling him across the nation, but such methods would only serve to promote ‘The Cult Of David’ in the long term. It would appear the method chosen is present him as a crank and feed his sillier claims.
When I see Mr Icke and his fervent followers quoting hateful articles from publications such as The Daily Mail and the various Murdoch press, I despair. Maybe his mind has been well and truly blown – or, realistically, he has been bought off. For a man who’s basic message is ‘remember who you are, don’t believe the illusions’ is it not sheer hypocrisy to promote the agenda of the mainstream media when it suits just one of his more minor (and very shop-soiled) claims?
He has enthusiastically promoted the agenda of a certain Operation Yewtree – a Metropolitan Police operation set up to create a ‘smoke and mirrors’ illusion to distract the brainwashed public Icke claims to want to ‘awaken’ and also – even more threatening to our ‘freedom’ – to prevent others who may well know the Savile ‘allegations’ are garbage – from speaking out and addressing this ‘big lie’. This is not ‘smashing institutionalised paedophilia’ it is promoting the dubious agenda of a vicious mainstream media and encouraging the bullying of individuals by this corporate cluster of organisations.
Does he really think a police force colluding with the corporate press – 30+ ‘reporters’, 7 police vehicles and 20 officers to arrest a 67 year old buffoon for touching a grown woman’s breast in 1978 – is part of his ‘wider truth’? If not, why does he associate himself and his greater message to such injustice on the grounds that he was fed a red herring about Jimmy Savile many years ago – when NOTHING is being done to ‘expose institutionalised paedophilia’ other than the bullying of hapless slightly right-wing light entertainers?
For those of use not blinded by the false lights of ‘Savilegate’, it would seem that David Icke is finished – which can only be the long-term aim of his supposed enemies, and the reason his head has been turned. It’s one thing being swept along by a tidal wave of bullshit on the belief it may reveal a ‘greater truth’ but another thing entirely to submit to a hateful mainstream media whilst instructing people to “Get Off Your Knees”
When David ‘gets off his knees’ and smells the coffee, I might start to pay attention again. Until then, thanks David – for information on 9/11, Monsato, the post-9/11 wars, the infowar, Bilderberg and the NWO hierarchy etc – but no thanks.
I’ve enough to investigate and educate myself with now, without bothering with mainstream media bullying and engaging with a very real national ‘dumbing down’ of the populace. If we are to believe justice is destroying deceased entertainers with lies, trawling hate figures for unprovable historic sex crimes, supporting a corporate media who are embroiled in criminal activity with disgraced police forces and consuming exactly what we are told by dubious figures who will not allow themselves to be questioned that is something I cannot support.
There is a lot of wrongdoing going on the world and there has been for a long time now. In the face of the culture of the past 20 years phasing out intelligence and ‘general knowledge’ to a population more easily pleased and bovine than ever before, I don’t wish to waste my time and resources on individuals pointing their finger at the likes of Top Of The Pops.
“David Icke’s transformation over the past few months is akin to Howard Roark becoming a fervent supporter of his arch enemy Ellsworth Toohey in Ayn Rand’s ever-relevant novel The Fountainhead – as beguiling as it is foolish. I hope his new-found support of the police, ITV, The Daily Mail and Rupert Murdoch will provide him with whatever it is he seeking to benefit from – but this is not an agenda I can believe in”
Chris Barratt
April 19, 2013 at 02:07
Is it my imagination or is this the most ramshackle article ever posted on
this blog, followed by many less than coherent comments? Can’t be the drugs,
gave them up years ago…
April 19, 2013 at 06:52
Its not your imagination.
I hope Anna is well, as she herself hasn’t blogged for a few days.
April 18, 2013 at 15:47
The likes of Icke and his brainwashed followers need to ‘get a life’. Some
folk have real injustices to fight not stupid made up conspiracy theories. Let
this lady be an inspiration to us all .
April 17, 2013 at 18:50
Have followed Anna R for years with great appreciation. But a great deal of
the stuff now appearing in response to her posts makes me despair.
April 19, 2013 at 00:04
I’m with alan scott. This is getting silly – and I despair too.
April 19, 2013 at 05:03
well don’t read then, It’s not compulsory/
April 17, 2013 at 11:28
It is in no way connected and just a co-incidence :
today the Australian
Broadcasting Commission (ABC) has expressed distress that the BBC which has
for decades on-sold it’s programs to the ABC so they are broadcast on the
free-to-air government station (without advertisements fucking them up)…will
now be selling all new season programs to Rupert Murdoch’s piss-poor
Australian cable network Foxtel.
In other words the millions of Aussies who have enjoyed for decades Dr Who
and every bonnet drama, every comedy program that has come out of the BBC,
must now subscribe to Murdoch’s cable network.
At the same time Rupert
Murdoch has endorsed right wing Tony Abbott to become PM in September and will
probably succeed in destroying Julia Gillard’s brilliant National Broadband
Newtwork which would have meant every single household got the world’s fastest
broadband…..and come 2014..Rebekah Brookes will be heading up Murdoch’s
Australian corporation :
April 18, 2013 at 11:35
JoBlow in OZ ?
This old London East End gal aint’ no Royalist, but is an olde-school
fairplay Brit – a fast fading breed ?
The bent-BBC (flagship?) Radio 4 for Thatcher’s £10 million pound
publicly funded send-off, stated that this was the biggest such event since
the 2002 Queen Mother funeral, and the 1965 Churchill State funeral. While
omitting/censoring their unmentionable deep embarrassment, at their globally
loved Diana’s death-by-all Murdochized tabloids, leading to the single-day
most mourned funeral ever, biggest non-sport media event in history; landing
Murdoch and his Evil cabal of bent-media mafiosa even more untold wealth !
Some bent-mainstream largely unreported or omitted/censored recent
history. 1995: Recently divorced, victim Diana used the media – but they
ABused her! Carefully omitted from most accounts of Diana’s life after
divorce, with rigorous Royal protection only for her young sons, her solo
visits to the Chelsea Harbor Gymnasium met with hordes of the dreaded
paparazzi selling high-priced images to Murdoch and the all Murdoch-ized
media. Rightly dubbed ‘Paparrazzi Nazis’ for their cowardly bullying
typified by the same culture inside the awful heirachy Murdoch’s Fortress
Wapping, the more intimate the image the better – a glimpse of
knicker-or-nipple – priceless ! Almost never seen now is the shocking
footage of behaviour which she refers to in her Martin Bashir interview,
“It’s getting abusive and it’s getting dangerous.” Now rarely seen/unseen
eery clips reveal her driving her car alone in London with motorbikes
swarming behind, swerving alongside, and ahead, but as shocking is the rare
audio from the swarm of step-ladder/long-lens louts grown men (not many
femme-or-ethnic paps) slavering for a chance to sell to Murdoch and the
rest. Her typical downcast coy glance behind sunglasses while hurrying to
her car elicits grints from the NaziPapperazzis, “That’s no fucking good, so
let’s get a reaction mates! ” “Diana, over here ? Still no good ! BITCH,
WHORE, SLAG, TART, COW !!!!” But the mother of Britain’s future king is now
used to that so it doesn’t work and another motorbike chase is on. (They
hadn’t learned the lesson or improved their behaviour by 1999 when
less-streetwise, doe eyed Monica Lewinsky suffered the same fate INSIDE
Waterstones in London at her book-signing. Interminably asked for “one more
shot…” “But mates that modesty board hides her legs.” “Can you stand up
please Monica, and maybe pose on the desk – like in the Oval office ? Oops
spooked her, she’s off in floods of tears with Waterstone’s creeps
comforting her – let’s try for a shocked glance back – BITCH, WHORE, SLAG,
TART, COW !!!! ”)
If such routine, foully elicited images aren’t a form of ‘Pornography
Abuse For Profit’ we’d like to know what they are.
Some further bent-mainstream muted or totally unreported vital facts.
Adelaide-time, Tuesday evening 7th October 1997: During a c.2-year period
when a gutless Rupert Murdoch in fear of his life avoided visiting Britain
he headed the Adelaide, News Corporation AGM. During the meeting, and no
doubt legally advised, perhaps at a specially chosen hour, too late for
early Australian editions, he makes his first (once only and never
re-aired?) global-media comment on what was the, 1-day most mourned funeral
in history, and largest ever non-sport global media event ever, bar none.
Asked of his regrets at the ‘death-by-tabloid’ of 3 young people including a
globally loved young woman, leaving her 2 young children (one of whom UK
future king) motherless-abused, came the callous inhuman retort, “MY ONLY
REGRET IS THAT I PAID TOO MUCH FOR SOME PHOTOS !” The next rational question
which sadly never came should have been one which perhaps the Leveson
enquiry might also have asked, “Mr. Murdoch what if it was YOUR family ?”
(Refs: BBC Radio 5-Live archive; global A/V media archives.) Note: Perhaps
refelecting the fear engendered globally by Rupert Murdoch, the brief
Adelaide Oct ’97 interview and his vile statement was not heard during the
entire 2011-ongoing NewsCorp scandal, and surely it should have been re-run
at the High Ct Leveson enquiry for Murdoch’s shocked response ? But no !
Though well briefed by many concerned Brits the enquiry team and Q.C.
gutlessly failed to confront the non-Brit, tax-avoiding, multi-billionaire
monstrous mind-rapist.
Bent-mainstream also, censoring inconvenient facts ? 1996-ongoing, all
News Corp AGM reports including CEO Rupert Murdoch’s statements to
stockholdres are available online. BUT for the ‘Stalinist’-OMITTED 1997
edition wher Murdoch gloated to the AGM that Diana’s death and biggest evr
non-sport media eventearned thell BIG BUCKS. While at the NewsCorp 2011 AGM
Murdoch’s dismissive comments about his News Of The World forced closure are
also enlightening in a total failure when beyond UK scrutiny, to further
empathize with or even note the many victims of his abuses. While his very
first priority when in Britain ’011 was not to first apologize to the dead
child Milly Dowler’s folks, but to protect his Wade-Brooks witch bitch
whore, since paid a futher £20 million from her Murdoch-pimp for her
‘loyalty’ ?
Inline/link: Full documentation of all News Corp AGMs. But for – OMITTED
NOT AVAILABLE – the 1997 Report. Containing Rupert Murdoch’s comments about
Diana’s death-by-tabloid. Some drink, BUT – No Chase, No Crash, No Deaths –
No Doubt!
April 18, 2013 at 12:04
OK, like many other watchdogs & whistleblowers for years having
tracked the brain scum News Corp (ever deludedly boasting of their
‘quality content’); their 1997 AGM report (selectively clipped?) is now
back online.
Inline/here’s the CEO mass mind-rapist Murdoch’s overview of that
momentous year 1997. No mention of Diana’s death, and never-matched media
funeral, bringing even more unearned wealth to the global mind-pimp and
his many whores, all in deep De Nile – away wit The Pharaohs.
‘Quality Content’ ? Next they’ll be heading their FIX/Fox NewZac, “Fair
& Balanced” – WTF?
NewZac, ProZac, MuZac – same shit, different dogs.
April 18, 2013 at 12:20
You have a certain uniqueness of style SweeTalk but I am with you
insofar as I recall being quite confabulated when I saw Murdoch’s missus
in Parliament that time. When did the old goat marry HER I remember
April 18, 2013 at 13:04
Moor, less Larkin-around, focus on our, bent-media unreported
‘Quality Content’.
About the hugely influential, unelected, non-Brit, tax-avoiding
multi-billionaire, global Mass Mind-Rapist, Rupert Keith Murdoch.
Who, also bent-media unreported at UK Election ’05, privately said
with no hint of irony, ” It matters not who is P.M. UNDER me ! ”
Vee have spies, everywhere !
April 18, 2013 at 13:16
At least they have no need to find vays to make you talk ……..
April 18, 2013 at 17:19
Moor hun, vee only juss started wit a wee modest few lines –
compared to some.
And no where near Mass Mind-Rapist Rupe’s 60-yrs o’ Tabloid Twaddle
n Rollin’ Drivel, plus a 15-yr Web Wall o’ Waffle.
April 19, 2013 at 05:01
one only has to take note of the garish haired Aussie “Mr Paparazzi”
who took the combined British paparazzo further into the gutter than they
had ever been.
Rupert Murdoch is on record as saying he basically hates
Britain and the Brits who he blames for the early death of his beloved
father Sir Keith Murdoch who as a war correspondent at Gallipoli concluded
the Upper Classses were dangerous and dumb and even headed one of his
reports with that famous phase :”Lions Led by Donkeys” in a piece about
the soldiers and their generals.
It’s the Convict’s Revenge .
April 16, 2013 at 22:23
On page 80/338 of the emails section of the Pollard Report Meirion Jones
(the guy behind Newsnight and the nephew of Duncroft’s headmistress) states
that he started to notice ‘coded references’ to JS at Duncroft on
friendsreunited in 2001. On that same site in 2010 he sees a ref to a ‘police
investigation’. He also refers to a web ‘memoir’ describing JS again in 2010.
June 2011 he starts talking to MWT who he hopes will get info about police
investigation from Surrey police (who will have nothing of it to begin with).
November JS dies and one of the gals writes ‘rot in hell’ on FReunited.
Liz MacKean told the pollard inquiry that Jones had wanted to do this story
for ‘years’ (he told her this in the summer of 2011). He did not have the guts
to do it whilst JS was alive but he was beavering away, ignoring such minor
details as lying witnesses (the fake letter/s) and the fact that the police
investigations had drawn a blank. That there had been an ‘investigation’ at
all was enough for him to call SJS a ‘p’. What sort of creature is this ?
Don’t take my word for it READ POLLARD as I’ve been doing for bloody hours !
Trial by media my friends !
April 16, 2013 at 19:49
This article reads like the worst kind of paranoid New Age
April 16, 2013 at 19:35
@Moor – the ‘C’ list is getting longer ! I noticed Peter Watt failed to put
the helpline phone no on that piece …… of drivel !
April 16, 2013 at 18:38
@Engineer – You are right but you are also wrong – the Police have decided
to lay 214 ‘crimes’ at the door of SJS. They are not looking for anyone else
in connection with these ‘crimes’ ! They will not be appearing on crimewatch
any time soon. His estate has been frozen so that his ‘victims’ can find the
closure they need in his Nat West Building account !
April 16, 2013 at 18:44
…..which rather puts the whole affair into the ‘cock-up’ bracket.
Handy for the police, though. Unlikely to be any come-backs….
April 16, 2013 at 20:01
At the bottom of the swamp I think of the little secret elite of
supervisors in your factory that are Freemasons and attempt to abuse both
position and membership over promotions or redundancies. Seen it here and
abroad; it’s not a conspiracy, it’s some individuals thinking they’re
smarter than they are. I think of the local councillor doing a favour, not
necessarily for gain, more likely as a social obligation to someone. Seen
it too and got very angry.
But it’s just people, you can call it
conspiracy if you must, but it’s not linked to any grand scheme.
damn sure similar things happen on a much wider scale, but anyone who has
managed even a few hundred people or run a sizeable project knows how
unpredictable events and people are, so hard to imagine anything big and
sinister succeeding.
Pretty certain some very odd people get pleasure
from some very odd and secretive shared behaviour, sometimes in
questionable attire, but major conspiracy?
Richplanet tv has a lot to
answer for. But least it’s free.
April 16, 2013 at 22:44
I think you’re about right. Most of these things do come down to the
vagairies of the human condition, and especially to slightly overblown
April 16, 2013 at 18:20
@Moor – Do we even know what ‘the public’ think – I’ve spoken to alot of
people who do declare that they are not ‘sure’ about the allegations. The
problem being, that the only f’**ker’s with a voice at the moment are the
accusers and their protagonists ! I think it was Anna who described the effect
of that tv program and it’s aftermath as that of ‘grooming’ the nation only it
wasn’t Jimmy she was referring to but ex plod, shit face, Thomas ? BIG Smiley
April 16,
2013 at 17:45
The Savile script had a serious subscript, missed by most, and not so much
as touched upon by the media. The saga exposed the fact hand in hand with the
charitable trusts come the paedophile networks.
And what do they do….give
more cash to the charitable trusts..
I wonder, is this position
‘emotionless’ (see Chris) or is this ‘pure emotion’? (see any blonde)
April 16, 2013 at 19:03
When one looks – clearly and without prejudice – at just who Jimmy Savile
actually was, it becomes apparent that in spite of his high-profile and
over-hyped association with the Royal Family and Margaret Thatcher what he
was more than anything was an independent free-thinker who raised money
charities he believed in because he wanted to and lived life the way he
wanted to.
If I have any reservations involving so-called paedophilia and
JS, it is that he became aware of his position on a ‘hit list’ as far back
as the early 80s. It certainly affected his ability to present in the same
dynamic manner he traditionally had – and he retreated into a bad tempered
overly guarded old age. If indeed that is the case, in death he has been
proved right. It actually used to annoy me – knowing how good he once was –
how he became this old crank in terrible clothes.
17, 2013 at 09:33
I suppose it depends to what degree he pursued young girls, did they
come to him or he to they?
I was active in the music industry for over
28 years and still so, many people in it are serious sex addicts born of
the ease of getting it. The power in the industry appears to be a realm
assigned to homosexuals who believe in the slavery of all through the
Was Savile just a life long sex addict upon whos back the
serious paedophile networks hid? Or was he in full knowledge of what went
on in his shadow?
If we look at the pursued fruits of the fiasco then
surely we glimpse the agenda as a whole, an agenda which is moving to the
handover of power in all things child protection to the private,
uncountable, and limited liability charitable trusts especially MIND,
NSPCC, and the seriously twisted operation that is Barnardos.
If they
can get such as overlords as mentioned above as the power for the
protection of children, then the agenda they are pushing, child removal,
will expand to insidious proportions allowing their own to secure an
income from the state without suffering the jobcentre and its slavery
Adoption and fostering is the new industry they covet now they
have demolished the safety net that is social security.
April 17, 2013 at 12:32
@ I was active in the music industry for over 28 years and still so,
many people in it are serious sex addicts born of the ease of getting
it. The power in the industry appears to be a realm assigned to
homosexuals who believe in the slavery of all through the contract.
I’m not sure of all you say belinus, but there have been times where
I have been reading a stories about Savile and some 20-plus year-old
woman or other that he became affectionate with, and I have begun to
wonder if heterosexuality is being projected as the new perversion………….
April 16, 2013 at 14:23
Given the sheer amount of information about these days, and the vast number
of people with assorted vested interests of one sort or another, it’s best not
to think too deeply about things. There’s far more imformation about than any
one person can assimilate and analyse, anyway; you just end up confusing
yourself. For example, is the bombing in Boston some event linked to a giant
conspiracy, or is it an evil act perpetrated by persons as yet unknown with
possibly a very distorted view of humanity? I think I’d incline to the
I also agree wholeheartedly with InLikeFlint – cock-up theory almost always
trumps conspiracy theory. Never underestimate the capacity of humans to cock
things up.
April 16, 2013 at 16:35
I think the real problem with conspiracy theories is why would
anyone bother?
And as you say, is it even practically possible?
there are cartels and self protecting associations, formal & informal,
legal and illegal, but that’s just how people are; and then bang up comes a
wild card and the cosy arrangements collapse.
I suspect ‘the members’ are
often more important to themselves than the world at large.
As you say,
cock-up trumps conspiracy.
April 16, 2013 at 16:46
Where exactly is the cock-up in the Savile furore?
That they fell
for it?
There was a concerted media campaign to tie in with Exposure
being broadcast, and the police were poised to intervene to silence all
dissent on grounds of “sub-judice”, which was a joke because they said all
along they never intended to investigate. They may all have had different
agendas – media to kick the BBC’ ass and the cops to spread goodwill
amongst Minorities and Charities, but to imagine this all happened by
accident is a little naive.
April 16, 2013 at 17:46
There does seem to be a bit of a media obsession with paedophilia
these days. It’s a bit like the obsession with witches during the days
of the Pendle witch trials, except that in the case of paedophilia there
actually is some of it about, just probably not to the extent that some
seem to believe. Since it’s a current obsession, the revelation that
Saville may have had a slightly unhealthy penchant for rather young
women has rather taken off. I suspect that most ordinary people are
rather ‘agnostic’ on the subject; if they eventually see evidence that
Saville was a serial child-molester, they’ll believe it, but in the
absence of such evidence, they’ll regard the whole thing as another
example of incompetent journalism. At the moment, the evidence hasn’t
been presented, so they’re not sure.
April 16, 2013 at 17:57
Given that the premier national police force has officially named
Savile as the most serious sexual predator the UK has produced and
laid over 400 crimes at his door, it’s hilarious to read your opinion
that the public aren’t sure because the evidence has not yet been
April 16, 2013 at 18:01
That statement by a senior police officer is possibly one of the
most stupid I’ve ever heard. On what evidence can he base that
assertion at the START of an investigation?
Major cock-up.
April 16, 2013 at 18:06
By the way, they haven’t laid 400 crimes at his door. Those are
allegations, which are in the process of being investigated to see if
sufficient evidence exists to support them. If Saville were still
alive, that evidence would have to be sufficient to bring Court cases,
which may or may not be upheld.
There’s a huge difference between an allegation and a crime.
April 16, 2013 at 18:49
A major issue for me in this being an absolute disgrace was the
immediate BBC attitude – after what was a piss-poor documentary aimed
at a Daytime ITV audience aired, Director General Walter The Softy
announced ‘an enquiry’ but also apologised at this point – even with a
media gun to his heads the most he should have done is offer apologies
for distress but qualified this with ‘if wrongdoing is found to have
occurred under the BBC’s watch’
When you factor in the sheer level
of conspiracy needed to pull this stitch-up off against all common
sense, context & knowledge- making sure all mainstream media hacks
had their eyes closed to any evidence to the contrary (see Anna’s
experience), the BBC’s complete cooperation, the involvement of
several police forces etc – it leads me to conclude if that is what
they can achieve to defame a deceased figure of ridicule from
yesteryear then ‘anything is possible’.
April 16, 2013 at 19:25
@ Those are allegations, which are in the process of being
investigated @
Operation Yewtree was closed with the release of “Giving Victims a
Voice”. There was no investigation by the police, there is no
investigation by the police and there will be no investigation by the
police. If you’re waiting for evidence from the police, you’ll be dead
These people are so cheeky they even tell you it’s wasa
of course, it was a good conspiracy……
“Peter Watt, NSPCC Director of Child Protection Advice &
Awareness, discusses his role working alongside police on the report
into allegations of sexual abuse made against Jimmy Savile:
I first became involved in Operation Yewtree when ACPO and ITV
contacted the NSPCC in October last year. This was in advance of the
airing of the documentary “Exposure – The Other Side of Jimmy Savile”.
We immediately agreed to do whatever we could do assist the police
in supporting and achieving justice for Savile’s victims. Since that
time the NSPCC has developed an immensely effective and successful
working partnership with the Met, with our 24 hour helpline service
becoming an integral part of the Savile operation.”
April 16, 2013 at 19:48
I wonder if a lot of this isn’t simply part of the case that when
it comes to complex issues the media are not really competent to
investigate properly and can only offer superficial views which may or
may not be right.
For example I have recently taken more of an interest in the Amanda
Knox/Meredith Kercher murder case. Generally the UK press takes the
patriotic position that Knox did it, and the US media takes the
patriotic position that Knox is innocent. Both cannot be right. But
neither side really examines the evidence objectively.
I had always been under the impression that Knox’s statements left
a lot to be desired and that she must be hiding something, but
recently I read an English translation of a lengthy document written
by one of the judges (Massei Report), evaluating all the evidence, and
I am afraid that I came to the conclusion that she was actively lying
with intent to deceive, and was certainly involved in cleaning up the
crime scene and the staging of the fake burglary, even if she did not
yield the knife. Of course her implication of an innocent man, Patrick
Lumumba is another matter and does not look good when you think of the
possible reasons why she did this–perhaps to help the real killer get
out of Italy before he could implicate Knox herself, or perhaps to
cover up that she had drug dealings with the killer.
The press does not seem to have addressed the matter of the locked
bedroom. Italian interior doors have locks with removable keys, and
someone must have exited the room where the murder took place, taken
the key from inside the door, locked the door from the outside, and
taken the key, which was never found. This seems like a very
calculated act aimed at delaying the discovery of the body for as long
as possible, rather than the action of a killer-rapist on the run.
Another issue is that Kercher’s bedside lamp was on the floor by her
bed, and Knox’s bedside lamp lay on the floor at the foot of her bed.
What was Knox’s bedside lamp doing in the room if it had not been
brought in to illuminate the crime scene without touching Meredith’s
lamp which might have been wiped clean of fingerprints (and then
presumably forgotten and left behind.)
But I don’t think the press can ever really address the deeper
issues of anything. The job is mainly about getting articles out as
quickly as possible, hopefully on the right side of the truth, but if
not, well, hey hoe! Since Savile was dead, editors and journalists
were well aware that they could write pretty much anything they
Incidentally, regarding McAlpine, it is interesting that Steven
Messham was not sued by McAlpine after peddling these allegations for
20 years. This guy was too incompetent to sue, and yet the BBC wanted
to use him as a primary source for allegations of wrongdoing?
April 16, 2013 at 20:01
Your conclusion on Knox is interesting
It’s probably a good couple of years ago since I did so, but I went
through all the English translations and came to exactly the opposite
conclusion. I thought that the court’s final summing up, in the face
of all the evidence actually presented, was such a masterpiece of
speculation and whatiffery, that even Poirot would have been ashamed
if someone had put it into his mouth. I really couldn’t see the case
having got past first base in a UK court.
April 16, 2013 at 20:38
And many details, such as when Sollecito was told that Kercher’s
DNA was on a knife in his house, he replied that he had accidentally
pricked her with the knife when preparing dinner previously. But
Kercher had never dined at his home. Or that Knox said she and
Sollecitto has spent the entire evening and night at his home, yet
cell phone records showed that her phone was in a different cell zone
when it received the text from Lumumba that cancelled her work for
that evening.
Clearly every piece of evidence can be seen from two different
angles, depending on whether you are pro or against. It is like
watching a boxing match. The fan who is pro boxer A will see a
completely different fight from the fan who supports boxer B (or has
made a bet on him.) The knack is to watch the replay from the opposite
Anway, I don’t want to hijack this discussion and make it into
another discussion, but my point remains that the press and media not
sufficiently in depth to cover complex issues of this kind, or that of
Savile, accurately. When Meiron Jones had failed to tell his editors
that his interest in the Duncroft allegations went as far back as his
aunt having been the one and only head of that Dothegirls Hall, how
could his investigation really have been objective? Perhaps he lacked
sufficient self awareness to even realise that this might influence
his objectivity.
April 16, 2013 at 20:42
But what we saw with the Steven Messham allegations programme was
that the BBC really didn’t have any standards at all other than the
desire to make sensational broadcasts that would shock and awe.
Educate, inform, entertain? Guffaws all round!
April 16, 2013 at 20:43
Agree entirely about the lack of ability of the press to present
anything of this kind with any depth, accuracy or objectivity. Nothing
that I have ever seen in it, that I had personal knowledge of, has
been remotely close to providing a fair picture, even on the occasions
where the facts were even near to being correct
April 16, 2013 at 21:17
@ I wonder if a lot of this isn’t simply part of the case that when
it comes to complex issues the media are not really competent to
investigate properly and can only offer superficial views which may or
may not be right. @
And the police are you mean?
So why was this not done on
Why the pretence that it was all done by brave
journalists? You scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours?
“all those of you who thought this was a brave piece of journalism,
take a seat at the back of the class. All the important people in the
room, step forward to the front. All those of you who thought
Operation Yewtree began on October 9th like the Metropolitan Police
told us, had best leave the room because you’re only going to be a
bloody nuisance.”
April 16, 2013 at 23:34
Nothing that I have ever seen in it, that I had personal
knowledge of, has been remotely close to providing a fair picture
That has also been my experience.
I worked for a couple of years as a proofreader for a regional
newspaper in Florida. It was just a part time thing in the evening.
The trouble is that journalists just want to put together a nice story
to impress other journalists, win awards, and get jobs at higher
paying newspapers. Hence much of the writing is formulaic and has
little to do with getting the facts right. They are always under time
pressure too, so not a lot of research was done. Although my job was
mainly correcting copy, grammar, etc., I often brought up factual
inaccuracies that were easily checkable.
Note also if you read the Daily Mail Web site how incredibly often
the captions to the photos misidentify the photos and/or contain basic
grammatical and spelling errors.
April 16, 2013 at 23:59
‘ Note also if you read the Daily Mail Web site how incredibly
often the captions to the photos misidentify the photos and/or contain
basic grammatical and spelling errors.’
Those should be the least of the Mail’s worries. In fact, if that
was all that was wrong with it, I’d even consider buying it
April 17, 2013 at 07:36
Re: “I suspect that most ordinary people are rather ‘agnostic’ on
the subject”
Yes, I don’t think the public in general are as stupid and gullible
as some in the media would seem to believe, but if they have something
rammed down their throat by the media and are told by the police, and
have policticians rabbiting on about it, they might think some if it
sound a bit odd but what are they supposed to think? Where else are
they supposed to get their information about these kind of things
April 16, 2013 at 14:09
..”9/11 controlled demolition” – all sadly true..
Take more tobacco with
it Chris!
April 16, 2013 at 15:35
David Icke is nuts. He can’t even manage to be in zone (never mind
actually ‘right’) as often as a stopped clock.
9/11 controlled demolition – please! See here.
There is no “New World Order”.
Not true, no evidence. Okay, the Bilderberg Group does exist. But, if you
look at the members, imagine the leaks if there was any NWO-type (or even
Common Purpose) machinations.
April 16, 2013 at 15:58
Yes, I agree totally! (I was repeating Chris’s words, not making a
April 16, 2013 at
9/11 ‘did a job’ if you only take into account the international
banking regulations (it’s becoming nigh on impossible to take advantage
of international investment and associated banking opportunities due to
the “anti-terrorism” measures) and the ‘braying sheep on my TV screen’
willing to sacrifice anything and everything for the ‘greater good’ –
let alone other issues tied in. The proof of the pudding is in the
eating. What better way to “pull the ladder up behind you” than to
declare the freedoms and opportunities taken for granted in the past as
tools for terrorism?
I don’t think it serves any purpose to deny the onward march of
Western imperialism in the name of ‘democracy’ any more than it does the
‘brown envelope churnalists’ “hiding in clear view” on youtube and
various internet forums declaring anybody who doesn’t accept a freaky
ageing peroxide DJ ‘groomed a nation’ for 40 years and ‘nobody knew
until he was dead’ is a ‘loony conspiracy theorist’. Not accepting that
particular obvious conspiracy (which it so obviously is) makes one a
‘crank’ in the eyes of employees of Rupert Murdoch. The Savile Circus is
evidence how easily black becomes white and agents of both the
commercial media and the supposed forces of law & order do conspire.
On paper – and if we didn’t know the truths unearthed by the likes of
Anna & Moor – not accepting something promoted as fact by
practically everyone including the police does appear to the stuff of
crazy works of fiction.
April 16, 2013 at 19:37
As for 911, just trawl the names and statements of hundreds of “lunatic
deniers” who have signed at
I mean, USAF aircraft accident investigators, US counter-intelligence
agents, most of the Able Danger team (CIA data mining on Osama), a US
ex-Vice president, Senators, Congressmen, Attorney-generals, air traffic
controllers on duty that day, engineers, architects, pilots from American
Airlines who’d flown the actual planes before, 911 commissioners including
the chairman (the ones who were mandated to investigate) and on and on.
Jeez, madhatters the lot of ‘em. What would they know!
From my own background of testing bits of airplanes to destruction, I
don’t believe the “official” conspiracy story either. No serialised part
of any of the planes was ever found. That’s ridiculous.
April 17, 2013 at 11:14
for all it’s supposed power and influence, the NWO is taking a bloody
long time to achieve it’s goals.
How many generations of Rothschilds
must come and go before they rule the world?
April 16, 2013 at 13:57
In order to check that I am still in a land where a sense of reality plays
some sort of part in moment to moment affairs, I feel the need to go out and
buy that proverbial baseball bat (anyone who has read comments on some of the
last few posts here will know what I mean) and hit myself on the head with it.
I’ll let you know if anything changes, like, say, the cat simultaneously
quoting and not quoting Schrödinger
April 16, 2013 at 12:53
And on the theme of forgiveness, it is a widely held spiritual and
psychological argument/belief that forgiveness is a psychologicol tool which
benefits the person doing the forgiving rather than the person who requires
the forgiveness
16, 2013 at 15:48
I would disagree on that premise as my experience long ago when I righted
wrongs done was that the victim received equal peace of conscience, though
perhaps you are correct if the person so involved is not willing to forgive,
at least you tried while they would rather continue hating.
Sometimes I
feel this life is but a computer game, you get points for good stuff and
serious punishments for naughty stuff, how boring as I hate computer
April 16, 2013 at 11:55
@Moor – apologies – the HIGNFY hoax was about ‘out takes’ not the full
April 16, 2013 at 11:43
As a general rule, if it’s a toss-up between cock-up and conspiracy, it’s
nearly always cock-up…
April 16, 2013 at 14:02
I think it’s certainly dark suspicions about a cock-up that got us here
in the first place………..
April 16, 2013 at 16:27
Agreed. We often get the mistaken impression that those in power are more
competent than they actually are. Experience teaches that nothing could be
further than the truth. Cock-up rules. All else is smoke and mirrors.
April 16, 2013 at 11:28
I hadn’t actually heard anything about David Icke’s ‘theories’ until this
vendetta against Jimmy Savile really got underway in October, but it appears,
to my surprise, that he actually has quite a following.
I feel the only way to put the matter to rest is for ALL the accustions
that have been made to be investigated sanely, sensibly and thoroughly by
police – no trawling for ‘victims’, doing anything to encourage false
allegations, or using the media to try and work the public into a frenzy. If
they feel that this is beyond their capability, then god help us.
If the accustions or any of the accustions turn out to be true or partly
true (and I mean significantly, not just one of the accused may have patted a
15 year olds bum back in 1962 ffs), then deal with the perpetrators.
If they are all found to be completely without foundation or any evidence
to support them, then deal with HIM, do him for wasting police time and force
him to remove the names of all those he has falsely accused in both his books
and the internet and make him give a public apology to the people or families
of people he has wrongly accused, and to the public for wasting police time
and causing unnecessary worry….
April 16, 2013 at 11:32
He’s been accusing McAlpine for years and never been sued. Back when he
made the allegations he wasn’t worth suing because he was a nutter with no
money. I saw one post recently where he was crowing he couldn’t be sued now
because so many years had gone by since he said it and his allegations
hadn’t been challenged all that time. I assume if he’s not just spouting
more verbal diahorrea that there is a “statute of limitations” on
April 16, 2013 at 12:41
Moor Larkin
Re: “He’s been accusing McAlpine for years and never been sued. Back
when he made the allegations he wasn’t worth suing because he was a nutter
with no money. I saw one post recently where he was crowing he couldn’t be
sued now because so many years had gone by since he said it and his
allegations hadn’t been challenged all that time. I assume if he’s not
just spouting more verbal diahorrea that there is a “statute of
limitations” on Libel/Slander”
His old allegations seem to get repeated by others enough though,
I don’t know about the law, but what I would like is for the police to
pay him a visit and ask him if he has anything to tell them. If not, ask
him whats all this in some of his books and on the internet, any truth in
it? And if he says ‘yes’, investigate the claims sanely, rationally and
thoroughly, without causing a big scene in the media, and if he says ‘no’,
I would like him to be forced to remove all the slanderous content from
where ever he has written it e.g his books etc and make a public apology
to those affected….
April 16, 2013 at 12:44
I suspect that that is a legal matter, rather than a police matter….
April 16, 2013 at 14:36
Moor Larkin,
Though if someone was getting harassed as a result of it could you
not get the police involved?
I’ve heard of people getting the police involved due to harassment
before I think….
April 17, 2013 at 11:08
It depends : you can libel someone and they have to take action within
a time period but if you repeat the falsehood that time to take action is
The internet by it’s nature can regurgitate and re-new libels
all the time and it hasn’t really been tested yet. It will be though and
someone will come a cropper.
I started going off Icke when he said his
publisher had ripped him off and he had lost all his royalties. He can’t
be too clever to allow that to happen.
16, 2013 at 11:39
The intention could be to have Icke as an occult authority a sort of new
witch-finder general for our age….
But then if he is the unwitting
messiah as per tradition, he will seal it in his blood.
I studied
Theosophy for the seven year initiatory rites from 1993, by their own
writings it is their intention to bring forth a false messiah on which will
be builded an event to procure the alien (masters) arrival to form the one
world religion…are they serious? unfortunately yes.
The Protestants appear to be onto this in the US and connect it to the
new Pope who will make a deal enough to allow the Church to bring this forth
as a spiritual doctrine, obedience to which will be absolute or not to do so
receives the label of heretic to be followed. Now call me old fashioned,
but…are not the South American’s just a little too near their ancestral love
of human sacrifice to become the new catholic?
O dear what a mess
April 16, 2013 at 11:58
@Lucozade – I think you will find the police ‘wasted’ their own time when
they set out to NOT INVESTIGATE Jimmy Savile at all but merely collate
claims from various sources including their own ‘sickie’ (sickness book)
ledger ……!
April 16, 2013 at 12:23
Re: “I think you will find the police ‘wasted’ their own time when they
set out to NOT INVESTIGATE Jimmy Savile at all but merely collate claims
from various sources including their own ‘sickie’ (sickness book) ledger
Yes i’m aware of that. I was talking about ALL the accustions made by
David Icke and his sort. And I said sanely, sensibly and thoroughly,
without trawling for ‘victims’ or making a big thing of it in the media.
And anyone who has had anything to do with Yewtree, should be allowed no
where near it.
The police have wasted their own time with operation Yewtree, but the
media, false accusers and probably David Icke, are to blame at least as
much. And if the police do their job properly with all further accustions
and find nothing, then it won’t be their fault at all, but those who have
been spreading slanderous shite, that the police have then felt the need
to investigate.
April 16, 2013 at 12:28
@Lucozade – Yes and those ‘false accusers’ – if that’s what they turn
out to be, should be suitably punished ! Big Smiley face !
April 16, 2013 at 12:43
Re: Yes, specially the media and Mr Icke, who are serial
April 16, 2013 at 12:51
If the police had kept out of it, then all we would have had was
nutjobs and reptiles – as we used to call the denizens of Fleet
April 16, 2013 at 14:20
Moor Larkin,
Re: “If the police had kept out of it, then all we would have had
was nutjobs and reptiles – as we used to call the denizens of Fleet
True, but they’ve gone and opened a quite possibly imaginary can of
worms now, it would be good to see them put the mess they’ve made
right and try and avoid it happening again….
April 16, 2013 at 15:53
@ Lucozade: it would be good to see them put the mess they’ve made
right @
It would take a very brave Met Chief to go against the banshee’s of
the entire Media of the country, plus the clear tide-mark being left
by the Greater Manchester force, plus all his sub-chiefs who have
waved through the Yew-Tree Mob…………… Maybe a brave Met Chief could
still do it, but he’d have to be very, very sure of his political
back-up. So the real question might be, even if he felt interested
enough to do so, could he rely on Boris Johnson? I’m afraid there aint
going to be any quick fix unless the people behind this whole
shenanigan are exposed as not just peddling falsity, but pro-actively
creating it and even then, I don’t think anyone in any position of
power even cares about any of this.
April 16, 2013 at 10:53
Thanx fo’ the prompt reply weeCeeBee.
Just checkin y’all was payin’ atten-shun !
Meanwhile ‘twould be nice to know what Generation-SeX is Chris/tine Barratt
16, 2013 at 11:00
Speaking of sex according to American Dr Loren Moret we should be
concerned over what sex Camilla Parker Bowles was born into this world, was
she a she or a he gone she?
Would explain why they had a civil
April 17, 2013 at 18:48
You poor sod. If that’s all your brain can come up with, why not donate
it to science (LSE for preference)?
April 19, 2013 at 04:52
It’s not something I would advise you to do dear alan scott
imagine some poor scientists delving into your brain only to find
an empty vessel.
What a waste of precious time.
April 16, 2013 at 11:01
A 1998 UK Top Twenty Single by Northern Irish ‘group’ The Divine Comedy
that made satirical reference to the hypocrisy of a tabloid-buying ‘mourning
nation’ in the wake of Diana’s last tango in Paris last I heard – or are you
referring to something else, of equal irrelevance to this article?
16, 2013 at 11:16
Are we today a mourning nation?
We certainly were in 1997, and I do
remember pointing the finger were it belonged..
Tell me have the family
run orf to Balmoral? O no wait…they are to attend this non-mourning nation
It would appear the family are out of kilter with the people when it
comes to the idea of mourning……
April 16, 2013 at
“The Cult Of Diana” (created by “The Cult Of Tony”) has made it so
the ‘popular press’ dictate what functions the Queen should attend, but
more about Diana & 1997 and the legacy of a this fake emotion
April 16, 2013 at 15:01
My second article of the day –
Examining the present hysteria and empty platitudes, not to mention
widespread social issues, and tracing it back to 1997 and how I felt
about it back then
April 16, 2013 at 17:59
I suspect that the Diana excesses happened because a generation had
grown up unused to tragedy. The older generations had lived through
WW2 and the IRA terrorist years, so had become a little more used to
tragedy and putting it in context. Diana’s early and untimely demise
was a tragedy, but since many of the editors and journalists reporting
it had grown up in times of relative peace, it was something they were
unused to and rather over-reacted to. Blair was always a very
media-savvy politician, and rather fed off it. Many of the older folks
saw it as a tragic end and untimely end to a young life, but didn’t
really over-react as younger people did, because the formative
experiences of their lives happened at a time when such tragedies were
quite commonplace.
That’s my theory, anyway. May be totally wrong, of course.
April 17, 2013 at 10:51
there is no denying that rightly or wrongly, Diana was the most
famous person on the planet and such fame had never really been
attached to any other person before .
That’s probably why her death
in such an every day type event- car crash- did shock so many
April 16, 2013 at 21:35
Despite Private Eye falsely hinting in their post-Diana best selling
edition that mass media victims are made by a so called ‘public’ buying
A 60% large majority of the (current c. 63 million) UK population don’t
buy mass media Daily Rolling Drivel.
Even at (pre-WebNews) late-1990s print-media, satellite & cable
peak, the combined daily consumership of all UK press/media was only c. 20
million; just 44% of a 45 million UK electorate.
As for another modern myth that today’s mass-media madness suddenly
began as recently as the 1990s with a so called ‘Cult Of Diana’? Tell it
to the millions of mass-media victims during a whole century since 1890s
victim Oscar Wilde, wrote:
” In old days men had the rack. Now they have the press. That is an
improvement certainly. But still it is very bad, and wrong, and
demoralising. Somebody – was it Burke? – called journalism the fourth
estate. That was true at the time, no doubt. But at the present moment it
really is the only estate. It has eaten up the other three. The Lords
Temporal say nothing, the Lords Spiritual have nothing to say, and the
House of Commons has nothing to say and says it. We are dominated by
Journalism. “
April 17, 2013 at 10:58
That’s true to an extent but I left the UK in ’92 to work on glossy
magazines in Australia and without fail, if they put Diana on teh cover
they would sell an extra 50,000 copies a week.
I would imagine the
same happened with European magazines and obviously UK
For the many years in London when I worked on magazines
and contributed to tabloids : there were 3 and only 3 regular
photographers who took paparazzi style snaps. I can pinpoint the year
when that changed and within 5 years the number had exploded to hundreds
if not thousands.
It co-incided with the announcement on Charles
& Diana’s engagement.
A cult certainly grew around Diana but it wasn’t of her making- she
became the victim of it and tried to control it or use it later but
attempting to jockey the wild beast of Fleet Street was always going to
end in tragedy.
April 16, 2013 at 10:36
Re: “Education – in the true sense of the word – has been replaced by the
promotion of ignorance and hate, philosophy replaced by soundbites”
I like that one, though I think this switch took place a very very long
time ago, lol….
April 16, 2013 at 22:51
As someone said teenagers used to grow up now they just grow old. For the
most part their sheer ignorance of history and politics is frightening.
April 17, 2013 at 10:45
Well said.
April 16, 2013 at 10:35
Only 18 years since hot Swingin’ 60s Battersea babe Raccoon opened her eyes
in – 1995 ?!!
This peer-age London east end gal was born streetwise.
Takin’ no crap from no kinda mass-media moron since knee high to a nice
1950s paedophile, while talkin’ back and spottin’ spivs from 50 yards.
April 16, 2013 at 10:35
There is actually quite a lot in this. I am not a 9/11 conspiracy believer,
but equally I dont think there is any doubt that there are powerful corporate
and government forces which will try to shape our perceptions and miantain
conformity if they can. And one only has to look at Mandelson and The Vaz to
realise that there are lizards taking human form, although making a bad job of
disguising the fact.
On a slightly separate note, a few months age I
watched a documentary on that eternal of the Conspiracy Theory World, “the
Illuminati”. From what I recall they were a real group of pan European
intellactuals dedicated to global control founded some time in the 19th
Century with a base in, I think, Bavaria. Can’t remenber exactly. In the end
their plotting and scheming annoyed the authorities so that they were hunted
down and scattered. But did they reform?
I have no idea. Sometimes a quick
slash with Occam’s razor is called for, but I was always taught that the first
class mind should be an open mind.
April 16, 2013 at 10:31
I have no doubt that like all “Messiahs”, Icke has an ego the size of a
Apropos Savile, bear in mind that Icke worked at the BBC. Everyone at the
BBC had heard the rumours, so to expect Icke not to believe, would be to
credit him with having the power of logical reasoning and that his mental
powers exceed the standard of the journalism at the BBC.
Professional journalists probably adore his fora because of the amount of
material it produces in terms of rumours and old photographs etc.. They can
spend many more hours in the pub or glad-handing celebrities at charity
events, secure in the knowledge that good old Ickey will produce some copy for
them to copy-paste in the morning.
April 16, 2013 at 11:02
Probably worth adding that the BBC staffers are also at the root of what
was probably seminal in the internet whispering about Savile over many many
years. Some bunch of self-important dildo’s who call themselves SOTCAA
This supposed deleted outtake was a spoof but what was remarkable is that
as the Savile Allegations whirled around the UK in October of last year,
Paul Merton was interviewed on BBC radio and had to explain that the
supposed “script” was a hoax. When, shortly after the Exposure programme
aired, Have I Got News For You aired again, and during the course of the
programme this “script” was again discussed and dismissed as a fraud. What I
began to find fascinating was that despite the “interconnected blogosphere
and twittersphere” it was becoming obvious that many many people had
believed for many years that this story was a true one. It would crop up on
many forums and more than one internet user was reporting about the
difficulties they were having finding any more information about Sarah
April 16, 2013 at 11:51
@Moor – here’s the real HIGNFY episode 1999 in case you didn’t see it
last time i posted ……
If the ads come on at beginning click on the x box at top right hand
corner ….!
So why didn’t someone check out the real bloody episode ……Oh
no, the ‘cheap hoax was more appetising for the morons .
April 16, 2013 at 11:57
No no, the hoax was supposed to be *deleted scenes*……..
This would add to the gullible and ignorant anger, because *the
people* thought there was a *cover-up* going on as well……
16, 2013 at 12:03
@Moor – our mutual responses collided mid stratosphere ……! BIG
SMILEY ….. did you like the photo’s I sent ???? Scarborough – post
10/3 – hey now that’s a good idea ……9/11, 7/7 and now 10/3 as opposed
to 10/4 over and oot !!
April 17, 2013 at 10:32
I’m amazed at the number of people who have said such derogatory
things about Savile’s dress sense, hair style etc and apparently have
never looked in a mirror.
April 16, 2013 at 11:19
Apropos Savile, I used to work at the BBC, and had quite a few friends
there, although they’re now mostly retired. One guy I knew very well in the
late 70′s early 80s was Roger Ordish – used to socialise with him. I never
heard of any rumours about Savile from him or anyone else.
I have found from personal knowledge that people are quite capable of
changing history to suit their emotional needs, or to fit in with the
current group-think.
April 16, 2013 at 14:30
According to the Professor of Pop, Paul Gambaccini, in the Panorama
show “Jimmy Savile – What the BBC Knew”, it all depended on what floor you
were on as to what you knew. His general idea seemed to be that the higher
the floor, the less you knew…..
April 17, 2013 at 10:43
In the early 80′s I regularly went to go to the West End gay club
Before he was famous Limahl was a regular there as well and
looked a good 3 or 4 years younger than he was (he was 18 then).
had mutual friends and some in the group claimed he was Gambaccini’s
boyfriend (I had no clue or interest).
Others who were not in the same group had seen Gambiccini with Limahl
at other times and concluded that Gambokept company with a 14 or 15 year
old boy and concluded he must be a “pedo”.
So Paul Gambicci should Shut The Fuck Up as at that time there were
false rumours circulating, on the strength of spotting him in a a gay
club and elsewhere with an apparent underage boy combined with
Gambiccini’s closet status, that he was a “nonce”
It’s that easy for
a false rumor to start and once started they are almost impossible to
April 17, 2013 at 18:46
I frankly don’t give a damn about your curious wanderings. Why
don’t you go to your GP and get a large dose of something
April 16,
2013 at 10:09
Theosophy and Icke have danced since his commencement of his journey, it
was so pre his masterpiece and the truth shall set you free, and moved up a
notch after.
The biggest secret to my mind was a copy and paste-force the
pieces together and see what happens kinda thing.
If you watch David today
you can see the possession before he answers, this is how the masters
Anger has been the draw into the shadow for David, which after
such ridicule one has to at least understand the danger, yet from a spiritual
standpoint exposes his imbalance and his spiritual lacking. It is one thing to
understand the knowledge it is another to live it outside the opportunities to
promote it.
Justin Walker is the man for whom in my opinion, having met
him, is the key to Icke’s fall into all out Theosophy. Walker acts as the
‘psychics connector’ pulling all under the spell of the Black Prince in his
witch king position. He pulled together Brian Gerrish and company, each then
began to push the Holly Grag garbage, without any evidence. One cannot do such
for the time they did if one remains in full control over ones own capacities,
because as you perhaps all know, in this game one has to check oneself at
least as much as one trawls the information and historic traditions.
When I met Walker he was overseeing Gerrish and explained to me how David
had stayed at his North Yorkshire home when Icke was at his lowest, and
questioning his own path, unfortunately the ego kicked in, supported by the
spirit at Walkers home, and off he went to focus all his followers to the
If you take a step back from the work of Icke, Theosophy is it’s core, he
has become a gnostic messiah, removing religion and man’s attempts at good
governance by claiming we are all equal in sensibility, knowledge capacity,
and the all important spiritual foundation.
The dragon (lizard) is nothing knew, in fact London is full of it, so why
people believe he has brought a new knowledge is beyond my good self. Ask any
consumer of class A drugs as a constant normality, and you will get a script
of creatures unthinkable that have been seen with his eye, and thus Icke has
been formed to usurp the doctrines of the religion that through its doctrine
not institution, kept the shadow empire off the land, while positioning
himself as supreme authority on all things outside religion, when the simple
fact is he has no concept of religion and its ritualistic means to opening
ones soul to its protection.
Icke along with such diatribes as Harry Potter
has moved to encourage folks to try anything but religion and become one with
ones own will, that is pure Theosophy as sanctioned through Crawley, “do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
The test…mention the word conspiracy and you get back the name Icke, they
have their front, they have their theosophical messiah.
I received a email from his site a couple of weeks ago in which proof of
this fact, to my mind , as he brought into the fray Krishnamurti, the supposed
precursor to the theosophical messiah, that was before Krishnamurti declared
no one requires the masters, but still Icke refers to his ‘guys’ as he
channels the theosophical gnostic empire in which all live is serf to the
debts of his corporate masters.
Shame indeed but not unforseen
April 16, 2013 at 10:02
I don’t think Icke is crazy – but he’s made a big name for himself out of
the ‘theories’ he espouses and he has alot of ‘followers’ ! MSM is on it’s way
out piece by piece. I used to think Panorama was a great program – now the
only thing you can rely on it for is that wonderful music at the beginning.
Goodness me, even Paxman got hoodwinked by the Newshite saga ! Anyone remember
‘world in action’ inc such wonderful REAL exposes as the Birmingham Six
April 16, 2013 at 09:59
I am having trouble reconciling your sensible postings on your blog, with
this. The truth is that David Icke’s core beliefs are entirely erroneous, and
should not be followed by anyone. When he says that various people are
reptiles, he literally means it. Please see for further details. Frankly,
the idea that the reason Icke says ‘Savile was a paedophile!’ is actually to
protect real paedophile rings, is twisted.
April 16, 2013 at 09:46
I always thought Icke was either batsh1t crazy, or, he wrote allegory. The
latter might be a cunning way to coax people into a little research of their
own, but overall, I think the first option is the correct one.
April 16, 2013 at 09:33
Technical note: not Sharon Matthews – the mother was called Karen Matthews,
the poor child Shannon Matthews. I wouldn’t ordinarily bother with this petty
point but the error could inadvertently create an impression that Shannon was
the one at fault, whereas she was the victim.
Apologies, and now, back to the post.